System Status

Overall System 100%
Eligibility 100%
Appointment Reminders 100%
eFaxing 100%
Integrated Billing 100%
HEP 100%

Release Updates

New Features:

  1. Inventory Management -> Add Quantity and Images
  2. Patient Information -> Add new section for “Guarantors”
  3. Notes -> Compare prior note field data to check if it’s the same as new note field
  4. Case Settings -> “No Authorization” issues
  5. Add “Date Range” for the the dashboard KPI
  6. Custom Case Types


  1. PCP/Referral -> add dropdown for “Group”
  2. CPT codes -> make “CPT Code” required field
  3. invoice# searching
  4. Documents Tab -> Share
  5. V&R -> Apply Payment -> hide the insurance section if case = SELF PAY
  6. Schedule -> Replace the Providers dropdown with the existing “Reorder” button
  7. CPT Settings -> “Evaluation Note” checkbox how on parent notes only

Bug Fixes

  1. Signature log should only print signature for that one visit, not all
  2. Payment Link -> multiple visits showed duplicate
  3. Save button unresponsive when setting up static events
  4. Aging Balance report PDF includes records with $0 (grid is fine)
  5. Text Overlap on the therapist invoice PDF
  6. Static Events -> Setup grid issues
  7. Sharing Template issues
  8. Frequency Audit Report Displays ‘Times Per Year’ Instead of ‘Times Per Certification Period’
  9. Signature Tab showing wrong date on PDF
  10. Dashboard -> Expiring Staff Documentation & User Birthdays
  11. Schedule Statistics and Visits Report discrepancies

New Features:

  1. PCP/Referral -> add dropdown for “Group”
  2. Inventory Management -> Add Quantity and Images


  1. Reports with updated “Insurance” data from new grid

Bug Fixes

  1. Payment Link -> multiple visits showed duplicate
  2. Save button unresponsive when setting up static events
  3. Text cut off on the objective interpretation field
  4. Hotfix for Active Patient
  5. Hotfixes – Billing Transaction Report


  1. Reports with updated “Insurance” data from new grid
  2. Appointment Reminders -> add a link for patients to click CONFIRM

Bug Fixes

  1. Duplicate Records on Active Patient Report
  2. SELF PAY invoice/receipt issue for patient receipt/invoice
  3. Import ERA/835 -> Doubling Patient Responsibility

New Features:

  1. Secondary billing report
  2. New Note -> Placeholder Evaluation
  3. Ready to Send -> Audit -> add check for $0 fee schedule for CPT code
  4. Note Templates -> allow Richtext to be turned on when creating


  1. Dashboard -> regular therapists should not view the top cards
  2. Send Payment URLs to itemize and include invoice#
  3. Batch Posting -> Skip over claims that have existing data in the fields
  4. Billing -> Ready to Send/Audited/Submitted -> Modifier column
  5. Note Rule – Allow 30 day progress note for Med B
  6. Recurring appointments move an hour backward
  7. Scheduler -> add more recurrence options

Bug Fixes

  1. System Alert modal should only show upon logging in
  2. Patient Auth Report -> not showing correct visit #’s
  3. Signature log should only print signature for that one visit, not all
  4. Export to Excel Button Disabled for Aging Balance Report due to date scope issue
  5. Schedule Widget Settings – Can be blank for Patient Portal Usage

New Features:

  1. Permission > copy from


  1. Insurance Grid updates
  2. Schedule widget > consent intake link not in notification email
  3. Massage Therapy Role > Notes > EVal to Assessment
  4. Settings > Insurance > Add comment field
  5. V&R > Add search box for invoice
  6. User Management Options
  7. Activity log > Incorporate new insurance grid
  8. RTM Note > If therapist tried to finalize with wrong units
  9. Productivity Report – Add grid and export

Bug Fixes

  1. Timeout error when batch printing
  2. Attempted to divide by zero (Do test for Objective tests scores getting saved)
  3. Onset date missing from 837
  4. Notes > Should not allow dates to be cleared
  5. Wrong number of pins when compared to appointments
  6. Assistant cosgin/uncosign modifier issue
  7. Top 10 Insurance Reports
  8. Progress Note alerts bypassing
  9. First visit badge incorrectly displaying for all Visits on Schedule
  10. V&R Patient Responsibility Grid not referencing the payment
  11. Clicking Billed or Hold shouldn’t override last update on note
  12. Navigation from schedule to announcement
  13. Goal formatting off due to new daily note
  14. Issue with creating multiple rows with different visit types
  15. Therapist rates invoice issue
  16. Overlapping text on the eval PDF
  17. Addendum notes not showing billed amounts
  18. Discrepancy in paid amount displayed in addendum notes
  19. Aging Balance Report issue

New Features:

  1. Post-discharge report
  2. Case Settings -> Note Rule for “Daily Note ICD/Goals”
  3. Dynamic Consent Intake Form


  1. Announcement -> feedback on grid row selection
  2. Insurance Tab -> should not have to press edit to use action buttons

Bug Fixes

  1. Transaction Report – Paging is off due to grouping
  2. User redirected to the dashboard when  the “$” in the schedule tab is clicked
  3. Cross Schedule Location Issue
  4. Internal Error message when printing Receipts -> individual and all via V&R tab
  5. Cannot open note list

New Features:

  1. New Tab called “Internal Documents”
  2. System Alert -> add toggle for “Show Banner”
  3. Billing -> Claims -> Column Toggle like Transaction report and export to Excel


  1. Insurance Grid Updates
  2. Transaction Report -> add columns
  3. Case Settings -> include a column for “Comment”
  4. V & R – Office name subtext update
  5. Reports -> “All Offices”
    • Top 10 Insurances Seen Report
    • Secondary Billing Report
  6. Patient Status Report -> add Grid View
  7. Import ERA -> remove the “Billed Amount” check
  8. Notes -> add button called “Reset KX”

Bug Fixes

  1. Inaccurate Therapist Invoice report(Missing visits)
    • Aging Balance
    • Net Collection Rate
  2. Error message when “apply payment” is clicked
  3. Exception message when sending SFTP
  4. RTM Notes are not triggering cosigns
  5. New User Email Verbiage
  6. Match Total revenue on the dashboard with total revenue in the revenue report

New Features:

  1. Schedule -> Switching Locations Patient List Popup


  1. userCreateRemoveLog / User-Update Log Report
  2. Insurance Tab -> revise to grid format
  3. Insurance Tab -> If relationship = SELF -> auto-check “Primary Holder”
  4. Authorization Grid -> add columns
  5. Notes Report -> Add “Date Billed/Last Reviewed” column
  6. Replace ‘Splint Orthosis Error’ with Contextual Billing Message for Eval Note Finalization

Bug Fixes

  1. Internal error message when a user Clocks out
  2. CPT Rule Setup -> Max Unit Fix
  3. Static events appearing on wrong date
  4. Balance Reports are excluding NS/CX rates
  5. Clock In/Out Feature Displays Incorrect Times After Saving Changes
  6. Template issue with evaluation codes
  7. Cannot access to notes tab
  8. User Update Log – User Creation FIX
  9. New Insurance – Checkbox update behavior FIX

New Features:

  1. Enable Patient Search by Date of Birth in the Patient List
  2. Office Settings -> Auto-Audit
  3. Schedule -> Switching Locations Patient List Popup
  4. Patient Signatures -> add GPS coordinates


  1. 12481-Remove Restriction on Progress Note Min/Max Box for Med B Case Type.
  2. Patient Information -> Primary Care Physician -> make this into a hotlink
  3. Active Patients Report -> Add field for “Date Added” and “Age”
  4. CPT Rule Setup -> add toggle for “Per Case”
  5. Allow Unrequire Cosign for Assistants
  6. Reformat the “Notes” grid on mobile
  7. Aging Balance Report -> 2nd layer -> hide column that says “Adjustments”
  8. Administration -> Users -> add column for “Phone” and “E-Signature”
  9. Appointment Reminder Report -> review implementation for accuracy
  10. Intake/Consent Forms -> Include a SMS with Link
  11. SMS Reminders -> Add placeholder for therapist name and visit type
  12. Patient Total Note Count Report -> add column for non-billable notes

Bug Fixes

  1. Insurance Tab -> Payments Information Grid rounds the numbers
  2. Toggle Default Clearing Houses
  3. Discharge Note -> Renew issue
  4. Wrong time stamp on a text on the chat feature
  5. User Settings -> Therapist Rate – Therapist Invoice issue with different locations and rates
  6. “ERA Posting: Inaccurate Write-Offs and Patient Responsibility
  7. Dropdown option missing on the PDF of the  LEFS and Revised Oswestry Disability Index
  8. Scheduler Error – Archived Patient
  9. Scheduler -> download .ics is not exporting the Static Events
  10. Objective Test -> QuickDASH scoring issue
  11. Patient Responsibility Report issues
  12. Patient Responsibility report -> date is off
  13. Issue with Cosign Users
  14. Unable to view visit type.


  1. Referral Report -> add column/filter for “Primary Insurance”
  2. Document Type Settings -> Exclude Default Ones
  3. If an event/reminder is due today, email user
  4. If user does an addendum, then the V&R record should update the “Matched Note” to the addendum
  5. V&R -> Put “delete” under “Options”
  6. Missed/CX Notes -> do not trigger KX modifier warning
  7. Toggle Default ClearingHouses

Bug Fixes

  1. Scheduler Optimization
  2. CPT Fee Schedule showing $0 on 837 for one example
  3. ConsentIntake Worker not sending email
  4. When users click OUT of the text box, auto-complete should close.
  5. DatePicker -> enable clicking previous and next month dates if shown
  6. Productivity report is broken

New Features:

  1. Case Settings -> 30 Day Progress Note


  1. Patient Authorization Report -> add insurance column and number of visits used
  2. Therapist Rates -> allow CPT rates to be per note type
  3. Active Patients Report -> keyword search should search all fields
  4. Notes report -> add filter for “Hold”
  5. Add the Therapist CX to the IconLegend
  6. Notes -> Billing grid -> Allow tabbing

Bug Fixes:

  1. Wellness Issue-Assistant Created Visit Note Issue FIX
  2. Unable to add daily note from schedule popup
  3. Scheduler – Wrong date displayed on Day view
  4. Posting Payment Issues -> Internal Error
  5. Error message when printing an appointment with no case from the schedule
  6. Visits & Receipts Package Issue
  7. Patient Cannot be enrolled
  8. CPT/Treatment -> “Evaluation Note Only” not working
  9. Visits by CPT Report not showing all data
  10. Allow the primary and secondary authorizations to overlap since they can be different
  11. Visits & Receipts Printout Footer Issue
  12. Events -> The remind date/time calendar cuts off
  13. Patient Signature Page missing on V2
  14. Timezone issues on PDFs on schedules
  15. Error message when printing an appointment with no case from the schedule
  16. Productivity Report Feedback

New Features:

  1. Therapy Cap report


  1. Case Settings -> add “Reason for Referral” field
  2. Active Patients Report -> keyword search should search all fields
  3. Documents Tab -> Share
  4. Authorization Grid -> add columns
  5. Notes -> Billing -> Treatment/CPT comments -> apply autocomplete
  6. Schedule -> add filter for Attendance Status & Visit Type

Bug Fixes:

  1. Schedule Header Distortion
  2. Compliance Report Patch
  3. Patient Authorization Report -> add insurance column and number of visits used
  4. “Display All” for autocomplete and goals are showing global
  5. “Pick Evaluation Template” will not load initially
  6. Compliance Report
  7. Text getting copied and pasted during LIVE documentation on Chromebooks(PMH & PSH boxes)


  1. Printing and eFaxing Notes -> add option for “Include Facesheet”
  2. Add DOS and invoice# to the top of the Apply payment window in the V&R tab
  3. Notes -> add button called “Reset KX”
  4. Therapist Rates -> allow CPT rates to be per note type
  5. Schedule -> Pending Appointments -> Update Grid to include a comment column

Bug Fixes:

  1. Posting Payment Issues -> Internal Error
  2. Notes -> should not allow dates to be cleared -> will cause finalize issue
  3. Active Cases report -> Insurance column fix
  4. Treatment DX -> adds Medical DX to daily note PDF
  5. Referral Request is showing random data
  6. DME in the finalized notes different from DME printed on the pdf
  7. Unable to add daily note from schedule popup
  8. Scheduler – Wrong date displayed on Day view
  9. Patients tab -> should not revert back to “Information” subtab upon typing a new patient name


  1. Notes -> add a dropdown for “Location”
  2. Finalizing Daily Notes -> if POC is expired, do not allow finalizing
  3. Self Pay -> Add patient paid column on the superbill PDF
  4. Patient Balance in Aging Balance & V&R Tab -> exclude rows where TOTAL balance = $0

Bug Fixes:

  1. Cases With Require Cosign Issue FIX
  2. Re-order Notes not working properly
  3. Schedule Comments missing after moving appointments
  4. Timezone issue across the system for certain features
  5. Payments Tab -> clicking refresh status should not update the date/time
  6. Insurance -> Payment Information -> Copay will adjust V&R per date range, but others do not
  7. Missing PCP on fax dropdown
  8. Documents Tab -> PDFs are not retaining a .pdf extension causing download and eFax issue

New Features:

  1. New attendance type called “Therapist CX”
  2. Static Events -> Categories -> uniform the colors


  1. Schedule Location – Patient Dropdown Dependency Update
  2. V&R Tab -> add checkbox or filter for “Exclude Future Visits”
  3. Patient Payment/Balance Report -> add checkbox for Patient Balance
  4. Treatment/CPT grid -> have a filter for “Active”
  5. Import ERA/835 -> Add Average Reimbursement column
  6. Announcement -> feedback to have “Save to template” option
  7. RTM Notes -> exclude “POC” from being an option when printing and eFaxing

Bug Fixes:

  1. Progress Note Warning Issue Fix
  2. Cannot Autobalance to Zero
  3. Appointments requests sent using the schedule widget display the wrong time
  4. V&R & Notes tab -> saving the modal will revert back to 50 pagination, but keep the UI as 100
  5. Case Settings -> Disable Carryover -> feature not working
  6. PCP/Referral -> copy issue causes dragging
  7. Notes Report -> upon load it loads “All Offices”
  8. Assistant Roles -> finalizing without require cosign?

Launching Release Notes

New Features:

  1. New report: Missing Patient Signature


  1. Patient Portal – Appointment Tab
  2. Schedule -> add filter for Attendance Status & Visit Type
  3. Widget/Pending Appointments – Default “Select Therapist” dropdown to “All”
  4. Make scroll bars (vertrical and horizontal) darker
  5. Case Settings -> Dropdown for Case Manager
  6. Ability to send a payment link for different payment amount options
  7. Request to bring back the ability to add a new patient directly from the schedule.
  8. Treatment/CPT grid -> have a filter for “Active”
  9. Scheduler -> patients on “All Day” should have appointment reminders bypassed
  10. Notes Report -> note filter -> add option for “Discharge (Full and Quick)”

Bug Fixes:

  1. Notes Report -> click the “x” on the “Office” filter will result in error
  2. Billing -> Import ERA -> keep the “nested layers” open after user posts payment
  3. Fax Notifications – Duplicate Issue
  4. Progress Notes – Frequency/Duration/Certification Display Issue
  5. V&R -> Patient Responsibility not coming up in modal
  6. AR Report issue with dates
  7. eFaxing from “Documents” tab -> giving a conversion error due to long filename
  8. CPT Rule Setup not working -> allowing therapists to finalize beyond the maximum value
  9. Error message when printing an appointment with no case from the schedule
  10. “Please select a case” error message when editing a recurring event in “SERIES” only
  11. Case Settings -> Check Schedule issue
  12. Autosave issue for Load from templates
  13. Goals & Autocomplete Permission for “All” should be from OFFICE, not GLOBAL
  14. Console Error – Duplicate form field id
  15. Schedule -> showing green check for communication notes instead of purple

Launching Release Notes

New Features:

  1. N/A


  1. Transaction & Superbill Report updates
  2. Therapist Credentials should be all CAPS on all PDF printouts
  3. Patient Information -> Primary Care Physician -> make this into a hotlink
  4. Medical Record Number should be stamped on the PDFs instead of PatientID# (if exists)
  5. Notes with missing schedules report – Exclude notes on “HOLD” to avoid addendums from showing up
  6. Patient Tab -> Menu items to have different color for the tab they are on
  7. Users -> Exclude Internal team members by default

Bug Fixes:

  1. Missing link text in the “affiliate link” menu item
  2. Post Payment Issue
  3. Rendering issue affecting static events when printing schedule in the Calendar view
  4. Invisible date on the PDF calendar view of the schedule
  5. Therapist Invoice -> do not display total for the “Total Visits” column
  6. Schedule/Patient Text Color Clashing
  7. Wrong Treatment frequency printed on the PDF

Launching Release Notes

New Features:

  1. Session Time Report


  1. Billing Notes -> dropdown for “Rendering Provider”
  2. Billing Reports – Feedback
  3. Billing -> Ready to Send/Audited/Submitted -> Modifier column –
  4. Revenue Report -> add a second layer to break down by CPT
  5. When initiating new Recertification/Re-evaluation notes -> do not preload the “days”
  6. Medicare B case type -> allow users to modify the “min” value of the progress note reminder
  7. Case Settings -> KX modifier offset
  8. Functional Deficits -> create goal button from Evaluation Note should be added to the Recerts/PN/Re-evals
  9. Notes -> have a filter to show note types
  10. User Setting -> Have a checkbox called “Disable Finalize” 
  11. Master Users and Office Manager roles -> the “Display All Schedules” should be auto-checked for them

Bug Fixes:

  1. Revenue Report / Widget Optimization
  2. Color Spectrum cut of when editing a visit type from the Settings
  3. Import ERA/835 -> Uploading Multiple Files will only import 1 and then say the others are already imported
  4. Error message on the Aging Balance report
  5. Notes -> OK attendance count is wrong
  6. eFax -> the Patient Name + ID# is missing on eFaxed documents
  7. Unable to upload more that one document simultaneously
  8. V&R -> When highlighting and printing -> after print, the highlight will drop
  9. Appointment Reminders Location Issue
  10. Internal Error message when sending an appointment notification when CASE IS NOT SELECTED
  11. Superbill report Internal Error -> when ALL OFFICES are used

Launching Release Notes

New Features:

  1. Secondary billing report
  2. Frequency audit report
  3. Outcome measures report


  1. Flowsheet -> Add CPT column
  2. Insurance Tab -> the “Add” buttons should be clickable without pressing “Edit”
  3. Posted Payment REport -> add column for payment type

Bug Fixes:

  1. Favorites -> bug on dropdown
  2. User Setting – Therapist Rate – All Treatment Issue on Defaults 
  3. Prevent Cross Discipline batch cosigning
  4. Setting – Update Patient Status Issue

Launching Release Notes


  1. Add the document uploader’s name as an extra column in the documents tab
  2. POC Notes should have Green Check if “bypass” checked not working for addendums
  3. Notifications -> update fax status

Bug Fixes:

  1. Dashboard -> Pending Cosign -> showing communication notes, missed/canceled notes
  2. Notes – 10th Visit – Recertification option
  3. Error Message when sending a notification from the scheduler
  4. Static Events should be shown only to the location it was designated for
  5. Formatting issue on Evaluation PDF
  6. Cancel/Missed Visit on Wellness Cases are missing

Launching Release Notes


  1. Show all visits when there are 3+ visits scheduled
  2. Dashboard -> Pending Cosign Widget -> for regular therapists, should only show cases where they are the assigned therapist
  3. Include dropdown menu in the time zone office settings
  4. Reports -> Patient -> Patient Eligibility -> format of the DOS change
  5. V&R -> Options should be clickable
  6. Rename “Birthdays & Expiring Staff Documentation (30 DAYS)” to “Birthdays & Expiring Documentation (30 DAYS)”
  7. Progress Notes -> hide the “Certification Date” field
  8. Transaction & Superbill Report -> Add column for “Auth#”
  9. Documents tab -> Document Type settings

Bug Fixes:

  1. Schedule -> “Current time” red line is broken
  2. User Setting – Therapist Rate – 97110 not populating
  3. Patient Portal login -> shows Patient Not Found error
  4. AutoSave > 30s Hotfix
  5. Notes -> Treatment plan tab bug not retaining values
  6. Duplicate Faxes
  7. Daily Notes – Goals View Issue
  8. Office Logo very small, and cropping dimensions are not good

Launching Release Notes


  1. Visit type should be displayed on the schedule pop up
  2. Schedule -> Hover -> Attendance radio buttons
  3. Announcement -> feedback on permissions

Bug Fixes:

  1. Notes -> should not allow dates to be cleared -> will cause finalize issue
  2. Import ERA -> the date is missing upon importing
  3. Freezing buttons when coming from the “Schedule”

Launching Release Notes


  1. Schedule -> add “Frequency” to the hoverbox.
  2. Expired Authorization report -> update search logic

Bug Fixes:

  1. Draft Notes Report -> permission for “All Therapists” is selected, but not showing up on UI
  2. Schedule Hover -> print -> should only print from selected case from todays date
  3. Schedule Statistics Report -> wrong data
  4. PCP/Referral -> Suffix shouldn’t be global
  5. Scheduler – Active and Selected Office Issues
  6. {website} is showing up on the header when website is blank (office settings)
  7. Medical Diagnosis codes are not getting saved in the CASE SETTINGS
  8. Faxing issue from “Documents” tab

Launching Release Notes

New Features:

  1. V&R -> Allow users to “Send Payment Link” for multiple visits


  1. Request to add a 40 and 75 minute option to the scheduler date interval dropdown
  2. Aging Balance Report -> Patient Balance updates

Bug Fixes:

  1. Therapist invoice – All provider filter causes discrepancies in rates
  2. Fax V1.5 not sending
  3. Download .ics button on schedule bug -> file format issue + wrong date export
  4. Case Settings -> Disable Carryover -> feature not working
  5. Missed and Canceled Notes -> auto-match schedule should set attendance appropriately

Launching Release Notes

New Features:

  1. User Settings -> Rates -> add grid for CPT Code Rate
  2. Scheduler -> allow users to control font size
  3. Importing ERA -> match patientID from AFFILIATED office


  1. Allow for dragging of appointments without a case selected
  2. POC Notes should have Green Check if “bypass” checked
  3. Pending Cosign Report -> add column for Assigned Therapists
  4. Make “all offices” an option for all reports
  5. Patient Responsibility Report-Relabel
  6. Simplify User Documents

Bug Fixes:

  1. Schedule-Height too big-Make compact
  2. PDF of Missed and Cancelled notes should NOT print the ROM page
  3. KPI Dashboard accuracy
  4. Notes -> Statistics wrong
  5. Quick Communication Note Issue
  6. Duplicate Faxes
  7. Therapist Invoice Report -> missing some rows when cosigned

Launching Release Notes

New Features:

  1. Affiliate Link on dashboard
  2. Schedule -> Hover -> add “Nickname” to the name
  3. V&R Tooltip for “Insurance Payment” to break down the primary, secondary, tertiary
  4. Reorder the list of facilities in the office dropdown to alphabetical order
  5. Patient Information -> show added date
  6. Reports -> Expiring Staff Documentation
  7. Productivity report


  1. 11515-Authorization Logic Update
  2. Scheduler -> Modal should have “Location” dropdown
  3. Patient Payment Balance Report -> update columns/filters
  4. Schedule -> Allow dragging + “lines” in between the time
  5. Schedule -> Google Maps -> needs to zoom where pins are
  6. Notes – Social history button in Evaluation implementation
  7. Active Cases Report -> add checkbox filter for “Cases with no notes”
  8. Dashboard -> EXPIRED AUTHORIZATION -> revise to EXPIRING
  9. Simplify Additional Rates
  10. Therapist Invoice Report -> EXCLUDE QUICK DISCHARGES
  11. Import ERA Graph reconfiguration
  12. Case Settings -> Apply Modifier -> needs to be in separate boxes on the 837
  13. Schedule -> when moving appointments that will trigger SMS/Email reminder, issue a Y/N notification

Bug Fixes:

  1. 11102-Appointment List Issue Vs Receipts Printout
  2. excel print out of the therapist invoice report does not contain the therapist column when the “all filter” is used
  3. Case Settings -> Progress Min/Max should be available to Medicaid, Workers Comp, Auto case types
  4. Scheduler Export view to PDF
  5. Notes – TimeIn/Out input issue
  6. Patient Dashboard Permission Issue
  7. Patient Portal – Consent Forms
  8. Patient Portal – Intake Forms
  9. Reorder Notes – Note Title Issue
  10. Error message when using the auto-balance feature on visits without linked notes
  11. Schedule -> Hover will not show the right copay amount based on the date range
  12. Therapist Invoice report not showing WELLNESS rates
  13. Schedule Widget – Firefox Issue
  14. Patient Payment & Balance Report -> error when running August 2023 or earlier
  15. Schedule -> Mobile Touch too sensitive
  16. V&R -> Printing PDF with balance even though its’ a CX visit
  17. The punctuation marks in the autocomplete phrases do not auto-populate with the text specifically on daily notes
  18. Evaluation Template – Time in/out time empty when saved and re-opened the current time populates
  19. Therapist Invoice should only show the latest addendum
  20. Scheduler – cannot move events
  21. 837 Resend 837 Office Issue

Launching Release Notes


1. Block off weekly schedule

2. Automatically check bypass when a new POC is created

3. Notes -> Note Options -> rename “Batch Print” to “Batch Print/Reorder/Archive”

Bug Fixes

1. Note Templates Not displaying

2. Case Settings -> Apply Modifier -> needs to be in separate boxes on the 837


4. New roles not showing up on the “Therapist” list

5. Progress Note Count Issue

6. Dashboard + Draft Note report not showing up draft notes

Launching Release Notes


  1. Schedule Widget -> we need to flag in the Visit Type settings which appear on the widget

Bug Fixes:

  1. Correct the spelling of receiver on the sms template
  2. Case Settings rename settings
  3. Clock In/Out Report – Therapist Filter Issue

Launching Release Notes

New Features:

  1. Clearing House Office Settings -> OfficeAlly 837


  1. Patient Information -> PCP Field -> “information” icon
  2. Incoming Faxes sorting
  3. Reports -> Have a checkbox for Therapists to only show inactive
  4. Exercises performed list should be in alphabetical order by default

Bug Fixes:

  1. Import 835 File Issue
  2. Future date being shown in evening time
  3. New Daily Note Issue
  4. Loading Patient List Filter Settings Issue
  5. User Settings -> doesn’t retain linking/unlinking office of another user – Unable to save because of this error message

Launching Release Notes

New Features:

  1. Patient Portal/Widget -> Waitlist Module


  1. Patient Portal -> Add “Schedule Appointment” tab
  2. Automatically check bypass when a new POC is created

Bug Fixes:

  1. 837 – Auth Number empty even if Insurance Type was set to All & Primary
  2. KPI cards UI changes

Launching Release Notes


  1. Apply Payment -> Writeoff -> add dropdown for Reason
  2. Visits & Receipts – Must printout 0 balance receipts
  3. Authorization Logic Update
  4. Import ERA -> Expand All
  5. Notes -> case name should be a hotlink to “View Note List”
  6. Import ERA -> update columns (first level)
  7. Wellness Cases-add options for Quick Missed/Canceled note
  8. Scheduler -> Recurrence -> Add option for Sessions
  9. Notes -> new note -> give warning if last authorization visit
  10. Superbill PDF should also stamp the license number (like on notes)

Bug Fixes:

  1. Insurances Mismatching
  2. “Already exists” error message when adding PMH
  3. Visits & Receipts – Schedule Issues
  4. DME box not working
  5. Notes -> Default Profile -> PDF still prints the categories if none were selected
  6. Scheduler will not retain therapist name
  7. The schedule loader for these 3 users spins indefinitely. Using different bowsers and clearing cache does not work.

Launching Release Notes

New Features:

  1. Scheduler -> Add Google API for Map Plotting Patients


  1. Default color for Medicare and Non-Medicare should be as per V1.5
  2. Office Settings -> field for Website URL
  3. Patient Events -> add dropdown for “Author/Tagged” 
  4. Posting Payments -> Extra Service -> have a hotlink to the “Inventory Management”
  5. Visits Report -> Filter + Multi-select
  6. Insurance Information tab -> give error if Relationship is not self and policyholder is null
  7. Patient Information -> retain settings per user
  8. Patient responsibility report-500 internal error fix
  9. Insurance Authorization -> Add option for “Insurance Type”

Bug Fixes:

  1. Schedule month view issue
  2. Payments – Refund, Void, Update status icons
  3. Autocomplete distortion on notes
  4. Patient Payment/Balance Report showing note that doesn’t exist
  5. Flowsheet bug on evaluation template creation
  6. Secondary claim should not have GROUP# on the 837 file
  7. Therapist Invoice -> new Cosigned checkbox inaccurate
  8. Show case office name in the 837 file – Case office location FIX

Launching Release Notes

New Features:


  1. Expand the exercises performed today box
  2. Notes -> Authorization showing wrong dates
  3. Report Favorites -> rename and auto-refresh
  4. Dashboard Update-Feature Update widget fix
  5. Patients Scheduled with Missing Notes Report -> update columns and filters
  6. Import ERA/835 -> Add graph
  7. Users -> Roles -> if Assistant, then check “Cosign Required” automatically
  8. Billing -> add suffix to the Therapist and Referring column
  9. Patient Portal Dashboard – Consent Intake Percentage
  10. Patient List -> advanced filters -> location shows officeID for regular users (should be hidden)
  11. Billing grid -> first column is too wide (increase comment width)
  12. Visits Report -> add indicator for “Note Completed”
  13. Aging Balance Report -> include Insurance names and nesting

Bug Fixes:

  1. Sensory Pediatric-Subjective Complaint – False Validation FIX
  2. Intake/Consent form Email confirmation -> the ID is wrong
  3. fix the grammar error in outgoing email message for appointment reminder. Remove “to”
  4. Last login datetime inaccuracy
  5. Auto complete phrases not popping up on the fax section when sending a POC.
  6. MMT dropdown list disappears when scrolling
  7. MD not populating when sending a fax
  8. Dashboard -> Pending Cosign is not showing therapists their own cases
  9. Scheduler -> Late CX missing from Statistics

Launching Release Notes


  1. Therapist Invoice report new columns
  2. Notes -> DOB field should state the age
  3. Scheduler -> Therapist dropdown -> discipline checkbox
  4. Scheduler->Therapist dropdown->selectable discipline category discipline 

Bug Fixes:

  1. Dashboard KPI – timeout exception fix
  2. “skip the dashboard” user settings does not work to skip the dash
  3. Basic Template -> Subjctive is required, but will allow user to finalize
  4. Supervision Note should not be auto-matching to the scheduler upon finalizing
  5. Chat Message Display Issue
  6. Single click a slot on the schedule on an Ipad does not work to schedule an appointment
  7. Schedule -> Recurrance issue (Series) – Block Time

Launching Release Notes


  1. Show case office name in the 837 file
  2. Faxes -> Incoming -> Checkbox to designate as “Read”
  3. Reports -> have last row “Totals”
  4. Active Cases Report -> add checkbox filter for “Cases with no notes”
  5. Scheduler -> Apply Payment action button should only be shown if “Patient Responsibility Report” enabled

Bug Fixes:

  1. Receipt PDF shows % instead of $ for Discount
  2. Basic Profile PDF showing field that doesn’t exist
  3. Visit Type -> add field for “Default Rate” and “Default Time” – (new fields)
  4. Dashboard -> KPI cards
  5. Dark Mode -> update the white fields
  6. Batch Printing issue
  7. Import ERA -> ADJ codes missing on some CPT codes

Launching Release Notes

New Features:

  1. Reports -> Expenses/Bookkeeping


  1. Office Settings -> Deactivate should retain members
  2. Therapist Invoice -> PAID column will force reload
  3. Evaluation Note Templates -> show “Created by” to all users

Bug Fixes:

  1. PMH, PSH, DME -> remove from global
  2. History Dates in Notes are 1 day off

Launching Release Notes

New Features:


  1. Import ERA/835 -> add additional columns
  2. All Offices for Superbill and Transactions

Bug Fixes:

  1. Error message upon loading and running the patient payment balance report Reported by beyond compression
  2. Consent Form Spacing Issue
  3. Scheduler -> Hover is not showing full therapist name
  4. Activity Log issues
  5. User Settings -> Primary office -> do not show non-affiliated offices

Launching Release Notes

New Features:

  1. Schedule -> UI Updates
  2. Reports -> Expenses/Bookkeeping
  3. Report Sorting


  1. Active Cases Report -> Last Note Date should exclude addendums from prior notes
  2. Patient Events -> add dropdown for “Author/Tagged”
  3. Events -> Users should not be able to modify comments once they are saved
  4. Office Settings -> field for Website URL
  5. Report -> Rename “Active Cases” to “Active Cases/Lost Patient”
  6. Scheduler -> Highlight todays date to Date + Therapist Names
  7. Active Cases Report -> Add column and filter for “Insurance”
  8. Schedule – Location dropdown list
  9. Schedule – Add message popup if patient reach his auth limit
  10. Case Settings -> Modifiers -> Multiselect
  11. Assistants -> Discharge Note (full and quick) -> no save as draft option
  12. Billing -> Add filter for “Exclude Medicare A”

Bug Fixes:

  1. Card Connect Payments Flow Issue
  2. Exception printing note pdf fix
  3. Preset Case Rule Exception
  4. Custom SMS Reminder Warning
  5. Intake/Consent Forms issues
  6. Inventory Management -> Tax Rate issue
  7. Notes Report -> Discipline filter not working
  8. Discharge Goal -> allow null comment
  9. CPT Settings -> Need Comment checkbox not working
  10. Addendum to “Missed Note” to revise to Canceled is labeling as a “Missed Note”
  11. Net Collection Rate Report has different numbers than Transaction report
  12. Schedule -> Authorization icon appearing even though case not expired
  13. Rich text does not work when printing with the batch print option

Launching Release Notes

New Features:

  1. Settings -> PayerID Match/Insurance settings -> setup for default case rules
  2. Report -> Credit Card Transactions
  3. Clock In/Out Log Report


  1. Users -> All Offices -> should be current office by default
  2. Move CPT Setup from Notes tab to Insurance tab
  3. Users -> Affiliated Offices should only show to the current user their own affiliated offices

Bug Fixes:

  1. Daily Notes – Continue With POC Issue
  2. RTM Note issue
  3. Authorization Logic updates
  4. Addendum Notes are appearing with purple check

Launching Release Notes


  1. PCP/Referral Settings -> increase character limit
  2. Allow to Import Multi Remit file in Import ERA/835 page
  3. Review – Pediatrics – Functional Deficits – Multi-select dropdowns

Bug Fixes:

  1. Evaluation Note -> cannot finalize without any goals bug
  2. Sensory Pediatric – Daily Note – Comment
  3. Daily Note not printing for specific note
  4. Schedule -> Bug with selecting one therapist
  5. Billing Note -> no carryover
  6. Patient Information tab -> action button for Request Referral freezing

Launching Release Notes

New Features:


  1. Regular therapists shouldn’t have access to “Import ERA” on dashboard
  2. Users -> Offices -> Add scrollbar + OfficeID
  3. Therapist Invoice Report -> Add a checkbox for “Therapist Paid”
  4. POC Tracking

Bug Fixes:

  1. Patient Portal enrollment error
  2. Error message when generating the revenue report
  3. Settings > Place Of Service Issue
  4. Visits & Receipts Timeout
  5. V&R – Copay and Coinsurance% should not be applied to the DOS outside of DateRange

Launching Release Notes

New Features:

  1. Activity Log
  2. Offices -> easier approach to add “affiliated” office


  1. Therapist Invoice Report -> Allow “All” Therapists for Masters/Office Managers only
  2. Supervision Note -> allow to add this note even if other notes in draft

Bug Fixes:

  1. Revenue Widget Issue
  2. Documents -> Send Fax button does not appear unless the name has .pdf at the end
  3. Case Settings – Progress Min/Max fields in HMO and PPO cases
  4. Progress Notes/Recerts are not pulling in prior note subjective and assessment information
  5. Notes -> goals not pulling from last note
  6. Notes – UI Mobile resolution
  7. Rename “Initial Treatment Plan” to “Assessment” on the printed Evaluation
  8. Notes – Sensory Pediatric issues
  9. 8 Minute Rule warning, but allowed to finalize
  10. Discharge Note are not able to be cosigned
  11. eFax causes freezing

Launching Release Notes

New Features:

  1. Schedule -> Therapist names Visit Count
  2. CPT Settings should have multi-select for “Discipline”


  1. Rename Settings -> “PayerID Match” to “Insurance & PayerID”
  2. Batch Cosign -> grid should exclude missed and canceled notes
  3. Scheduler – Delete Icon & Therapist Initials
  4. Permission for “HOLD, BILLED, PAID” -> should only be “HOLD”
  5. Active Cases report -> add column for next schedule visit

Bug Fixes:

  1. Scheduler -> Static Events -> color does not retain
  2. Quick Discharge notes should not give a “KX” warning upon finalizing
  3. Scheduler -> Print Appointment List button
  4. Import 835/ERA -> ERA Nesting – CPT code is not showing in second level
  5. Fax – Autocomplete formatting
  6. Schedule – Follow-up visits shouldnt cause “Already exist” error
  7. Widget – Time is not shown when no visit type selected
  8. Scheduler – Event Double Click
  9. Error when setting a static event for > 1 day in a row
  10. Notes – Billing profile note save as draft issue

Launching Release Notes

New Features

  1. Reports Menu – Favorites


  1. Case Type MedA – Exclude RTM Notes
  2. Scheduler -> Apply Payment action button should only be shown if “Revenue report” enabled
  3. Aging Balance Report -> allow print all statements

Bug Fixes:

  1. Note Manager –  Communication notes printing
  2. Notes – Remove “Eastern Standard Time” from PDFs
  3. Cosigning Note & Authorization Issue
  4. RTM Notes – Total Units Issue
  5. Saving office settings doesn’t work
  6. Printing Notes -> PDF name should be note date, not printed date
  7. Notes – Components of Function Comments Review
  8. CPT 96125 -> if it has 0 minutes and 0 units, won’t let you finalize
  9. Evaluation Addendum -> Earlier Date

Launching Release Notes


  1. Discipline dropdown added to patient list
  2. Print button added on signature tab
  3. Billing tab -> Event action button added to “ready to send” tab.

Bug Fixes: 

  1. Daily notes -> Continue with POC issue
  2. Timeout during claims submission fixed
  3. Unable to delete events on Ipad
  4. Adding goals to one user results in “Goal Already Exists” if the goal exists for another user.

Launching the release notes.

New Features:

1. Schedule-Therapist Sorting

2. Schedule therapist names initials


1. Schedule widget – birthday field

Bug Fixes:

1. DME Table Fix

2. Appointment Reminder issue

3. Schedule-recurrence issue – change future date

4. Daily Notes – Plan – not auto populating continue with POC 

Launching the release notes.

Bug Fixes:
1. Schedule – Create Note from Schedule dropdown issue

2. Speech Therapy -> Objective -> clear the Functional Tests

3. Notes – Sensory Pediatrics save input issue

Launching the release notes.

New Features:

  1. Add new note type called “Supervision Note”


  1. Increase Character Limit inside the Notes
  2. RTM Notes -> PDF should only print the “Treat
  3. Users -> Rates -> add additional note rates – treatment Performed Today

Bug Fixes:

  1. Notes Objective Findings – Fail To Save Issue – Passed
  2. Scheduler -> Day View issues
  3. ScheduleV2 Month View – Add Weekend
  4. ScheduleV2 Month View – Therapist Names
  5. Missed/Cancelled notes – autopopulates tomorrows date
  6. Scheduler Half-Width events
  7. Prevent Import ERA grid exception 
  8. Progress Note Warning Too Early 

Launching the release notes.

New Features:

  1. Duplicate Page Button
  2. Case Settings -> Note Rule -> Change baseline note count
  3. Billing -> Ready to Send -> Add Event action button


  1. Notes Manager – Printed note should contain Goal comments
  2. Notes -> Rename “Group Actions” with “Note Options”
  3. SMS/Email reminder should NOT TRIGGER if updating attendance for past visits
  4. Payments Tab -> allow $0 for cash amount

Bug Fixes:

  1. MedB Notes – Requires Progress Issue
  2. Patient Status shows empty unless refresh
  3. Autocomplete -> should add where cursor is
  4. Settings – increase height of modal Visit Type
  5. Insurance Tab -> Authorization Logic update
  6. Clock in/out Time zone
  7. Scheduler Refresh not working
  8. Authorization Logic update – Unlink case and note list notification FIX
  9.  MedB Notes – Requires Progress Issue – progress note count FIX
  10. Scheduler hoverbox placement 
  11. Scheduler Half-Width events – initial Update

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. ScheduleV2 – Implement “Remove Weekly Recurrence” button
  2. Scheduler – Recurring, Static Events & Tooltip
  3. Auto-schedule -> should not create a new visit if linked to same case

Bug Fixes:

  1. Scrolling on Small Screens Issue – Revert Sticky Header 
  2. Quick Communication Note -> should limit maximum todays
  3.  Schedule Updates(missing copay icon)
  4. Notes – Functional Deficit fields UI issue
  5. Scheduler – Events & Therapist Columns fix
  6. ScheduleV2 – Therapist already scheduled warning
  7. SMS Reminders -> add placeholder for address
  8. Import 835/ERA – Internal Error during loading
  9. Import 835/ERA -> ERA Nesting
  10. Import ERA 835 file issue

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Allow Evaluations to be “Eval Only”
  2. Patient Events -> Enable Filtering
  3. Add new Attendance type called “Late CX”
  4. Insurance Tab -> Should not require a refresh upon user adding a new insurance
  5. Shared templates – should be visible for other office therapists
  6. Quick Communication Note – incorrect finalized date
  7. Users -> Export -> include Phone, Address, etc.
  8. Payments – Add PatientID to SMS/Email notification text
  9. Addendums -> Show date of addendum on PDF

Bug Fixes:

  1. Case Settings -> AMA Billing rule – 8 Minute Rule overlap FIX
  2. 837 Duplicate Modifiers
  3. ScheduleV2 – Loading issues when when >150 events
  4. Patient Portal -> Documents -> should only display files that were shared
  5. Fax Office Settings – Cannot Update Password
  6. Fax Status – Search Patient or Doctor field

Launching the release notes.

New Features:

  1. Missed/Canceled to be standalone note


  1. Net collection report – Paid visits should appears in the grid if case doesn’t contain any notes
  2. Patient List -> Therapist Dropdown -> exclude inactive therapists
  3. Cosign Tab -> include a field for Supervision comment

Bug Fixes:

  1. Notes with missing schedules report – Filter FIX
  2. 837 File -> strip out dashes from TAXID/EIN and Zip code
  3. Insurance Tab -> Payment Information -> Date Ranges not working
  4. Addendums -> Show date of addendum on PDF – Communication and Vital addendums still doesn`t have “Addendum” title in pdf
  5. Quick Discharge – Cpt Units/Minutes False Validation
  6. Failed to Save upon Objective Test Null values

Launching the release notes.

New Features:

  1. “Note Rule” to enable adding CPT codes on daily notes


  1. User account document preview and rename option
  2. Visit Type – Sort Alphabetically
  3. User Documents – Should show expiring 
  4. Clock in/out toggle
  5. Settings – Flowsheet

Bug Fixes:

  1. Underlying Impairments -> Body Parts are not retaining same order upon re-opening note
  2. Log in – Internal error when load dashboard
  3. PMH, PSH, DME fields -> data loss
  4. Case Settings -> AMA Billing rule
  5. 837 File Issue with Place of Service
  6. Static Event Issue(Color & events display)

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Case Settings -> Time in/out -> Exclude for QUICK DISCHARGE
  2. Net collection report – Paid visits should appears in the grid if case doesn`t contain any notes
  3. Notes-Tx Performed-Co treatment

Bug Fixes:

  1. Notes – Height should be carried over into Discharge from previous note
  2. Notes Manager Print multiple notes- Internal error
  3. PCP – Creation/Deleting error
  4. Notes – Remove comment box 
  5. Duplicating Body Parts
  6. Load Template -> console error
  7. Evaluation Note -> cannot finalize without any goals bug
  8. Notes – SLP Medicare part A ped should not have Recertification notes
  9. Notes PDF – Should Not Display Compressed Therapist Signature

Launching the release notes.

New Features:

  1. Notes -> Pick Template -> should allow user to choose from prior case


  1. Allow user to add communication notes even if other note is in draft
  2. Discharge Notes (Both full and quick) -> need a field for “Reason for Discharge”
  3. Dashboard Widget – Default Provider from case settings
  4. Settings -> PCP/Referral -> Hide CITY column, add FAX column
  5. Notes – Increase character limit for Objective field

Bug Fixes:

  1. User settings -> Other Information -> Dates are not saved – Update issue FIX
  2. Schedule Widget not loading in Firefox
  3. CC information saving – Internal error
  4. Notes – SLP Evaluation note Findings tab Label Issue
  5. Richtext HTML issue on migrated note
  6. Notes Manager – Printed note should contain Goal comments
  7. Communication Note PDF -> Missing Signature Line

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Add more “Document Type” options
  2. Cases -> Sort by date (newest on top)
  3. Authorization Dates Label inside case
  4. Billing -> Claims -> Secondary 837
  5. Bell/Notifications Update to include eFax status
  6. Finalizing a Note with 0 treatment duration -> update error message
  7. Insurance Tab -> Payment Information -> Allow Date Ranges

Bug Fixes:

  1. Insurance Value(s) Not Setting
  2. CPT case type settings
  3. Settings -> Referral Request -> Not plugging into the Referral Fax
  4. 837 File Not Retaining the PRIMARY DX code
  5. Schedule – Prevent user from scheduling date range

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Visits Report – Separate Date and Time in different columns
  2. Patient Telehealth Tab

Bug fixes:

  1. Quick Discharge – Cpt Units/Minutes False Validation
  2. Printed schedule -> missing office name/logo

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Claims – Ready To Send – Sync To Collab MD
  2. Patient Portal – Payments & Visits
  3. V&R – None visit type shouldnt be printed in Description field
  4. Receipts PDF -> if there is a negative balance -> label as “CREDIT AMOUNT”
  5. Notes With Missing POC – Exclude RTM notes from the grid
  6. Patient Portal – Documents
  7. HOLD -> should not bring you back to page 1 upon clicking
  8. Static Events: Allow users to colorize the static event based on category (Default, Meeting, Lunch, Vacation, Day Off, Blocked Time, Holiday)
  9. Patient Portal – Signature
  10. Bell/Notifications Update to include eFax status
  11. Masters/Office Mangers cannot update their eFax password
  12. User Settings -> Missing Phone Number -> show allow user to save and give error

Bug fixes:

  1. 837 File Not Retaining the PRIMARY DX code
  2. eFaxing -> Cover Page will not show the Logo and Office Name
  3. Richtext -> Images are not being compressed
  4. PMH, PSH, DME fields -> data loss
  5. Visits Report – Future dates should be enabled
  6. HOLD -> should not bring you back to page 1 upon clicking
  7. Schedule – Time moved forward
  8. Posted Payment by Date Report -> Internal Error when Exporting to Excel (1 year)

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Goals -> Expand Height based on goal amount
  2. Settings -> Evaluation Note Template Updates
  3. Invoice PDF -> CITY, STATE, ZIP should be on same line
  4. POC Notes (such as evaluation, PN, Recerts, Re-eval) -> do not allow negative values inside the Frequency/Duration 
  5. V&R -> Add Schedule -> Match the end date to user selected Start Date
  6. Documents Tab -> allow sorting for other columns
  7. Chat between users from different offices, add Autoscroll
  8. Scheduler -> Add new “Hover” button for “Create Note”
  9. Notes Report – Wrong months order on the graph
  10. Notes – Finalizing without Goals

Bug fixes:

  1. CPT Code Remaining at 0 units even after 0 minutes was input
  2. Email Notification Update
  3. Posted Payment by Date Report -> bug when “single therapist” is selected
  4. Users -> Export to Excel -> Affiliated Offices missing
  5. Consent Intake Form Completion Notification Email Issue
  6. Therapist Filter on Patient List -> assistants are missing
  7. Aging Balance Report -> Internal Error

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Schedule Reimplementation using FullCalendar- (Parallel run)
  2. Insurance Tab -> Payment Information -> Co-insurance should have % label
  3. Default Profile -> Functional Deficits -> the “Prior Level” and “Current Level” labels
  4. Chat -> Update email with name/credentials
  5. Notes – Add current level dropdowns for all categories
  6. Dashboard –  rename “POC yet to be signed” widget to “POC yet to be sent”
  7. Notes PDF -> do not print anything with null rows for ROM/MMT
  8. Masters, Support, Host, Office Manager -> “Display All Schedules” should be automatically checked
  9. Note Templates -> Allow sharing with others
  10. Net Collection Rate Report – add wellness visits

Bug fixes:

  1. Apply Payment -> Delete Patient Payment
  2. Documents -> Actions -> View button
  3. Communication Note inside a Discharged Case -> failed to save error
  4. Aging Balance Report -> Internal Error
  5. SMS Reminders Issues
  6. Reminder Status Report – Wrong time in the grid
  7. Fax Status – Wrong sent time

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Active Patients Report -> Add columns for “Plan Names
  2.  Import ERA/835 -> Allow multiple files to be uploaded
  3. Expired POC Report -> only filter for Active cases
  4. Claims Batch Post Update
  5. Case Settings -> Billing Rules -> Add option for CO/CQ (Assistant Modifiers)
  6. POC Renew and Notes with Expiring POCs -> Exclude Quick Discharges 

Bug fixes:

  1. Billable DX Discrepancy
  2. Referrals Report – Graph milestones are not accurate
  3. Card number and Expiration date should not be cleared after changing year
  4. Visits Report -> Date/time showing wrong date/time
  5. chedule – Timezone issue
  6. Quick Discharge pdf – Visits from Start of Care calculation
  7. Print Facesheet -> wrong timestamp
  8. Print Facesheet -> wrong timestamp
  9. Settings -> Treatment/CPT -> Modifier not carrying over to the 837 file
  10. eFaxing -> Any faxes that are sent should send to the destination number from PCP/Referral

Launching the release notes.

New Features:

  1. Inventory Management
  2. Website Widget for clients to embed our schedule


  1. Case Settings -> Location -> should be editable at any point
  2. Visits & Receipts -> Print “Patient Balance” -> Add condition for Self Pay
  3. Patient Portal – Patient Information-Updated Forms
  4. Patient Eligibility Report -> add Note Date filter
  5. Evaluations -> should allow “Save Template” to be clicked on any tab 

Bug fixes:

1 Self Pay cases – Medical Necessity checkbox shouldn’t be required

2. Expired POC Report -> Allow “To” to be selected in the future

3. Notes -> Treatment Plan -> Frequency -> Add “Treatment per Certification Period”

4. Visits & Receipts – Sorting visits in the printed PDF

5. Documents tab – Error message when view shared incoming fax

6. Transaction Report -> Insurance ID Discrepancy

7. Transaction Report -> “Paid” amount not pulling the data

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Therapist Invoice Report -> add column for “Case Name”, “Primary Insurance” on grid
  2. Therapist Invoice Report -> add column for “Case Name”, “Primary Insurance” on grid
  3. Include MD and PCP address when exporting Excel
  4. ERA Posting -> Batch Option
  5. Revenue Report -> Add Grid, Export to Excel
  6. Credit Card Payment -> Receipt Email/SMS

Bug fixes:

  1. Pediatrics Issue – Functional Deficits Label issue
  2. Notes – Document Medical Necessity Exists false triggered validation
  3. Patient List -> Save -> will lose focus on patient
  4. Default view should exclude Inactive
  5. Notes – Missed and Cancelled visits counting

Launching the release notes.


  1. Incoming Faxes Updates 
  2.  Notes -> eFax -> no attachment option
  3. Case Settings -> Add section for “ICD10”, “PMH”, PSH”
  4. Create Addendum should be clickable to any tab
  5. Notes Tab- Internal error fix
  6. Patient Portal Chat – Add Users

Bug fixes:

  1. Cosign – Cancel button were clicked but Note were cosigned anyway
  2. Notes KX Modifier fix
  3. Time In/Out Timezone fiv

Launching the release notes.

New Features:

  1.  Chat Add Users For Patients


  1. eFax POC -> should ask user if they want to mark the POC as “Sent”
  2. Active Cases Report – Excel table should contain Location column
  3. Notes -> if user puts in minutes, but no units (or opposite), should give error
  4. Objective Tests -> Retain same order as the record

Bug fixes:

  1. Patient Payment Balance report -> takes very long time to load
  2. V&R – Auto Balance Error
  3. V&R -> Wrong balance
  4. Sensory Pediatric MedB – Vital, Communication note Failed to save

Launching the release notes.


  1. Superbill Report – Current office should be selected by default
  2.  Insurance Tab -> Policy Holder Information -> add DOB field 
  3. Notes with missing POC report updates
  4. Revenue Report -> Add Grid, Export to Excel
  5. Schedule -> Case dropdown should append “D/C” if case is discharged

Bug fixes:

  1. Credit card payment – 500 server error
  2. Aging Balance report -> missing records when “Patient Balance” is checked
  3. Dashboard – Wrong Speech Language patients count

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Evaluation note – Units should be readonly
  2. Case Settings -> Case Date -> Allow future dates
  3. Send Fax modal – Rename button from “Save” to “Send Fax”
  4. Case Settings -> Add category for Rules
  5. Card Connect – CC reprocessing
  6. Opening Finalized Evals -> should have option for “Save as Template”
  7. Credit card frame

Bug Fixes:

  1. Pending Cosign Report – Should NOT contain Cancelled and Missed notes
  2. Duplication of schedule when ASSISTANT does a note

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Notes Report – Dropdown lists items sorting
  2. Notes -> Draft Note does not override therapist name if another therapist saves or finalizes

Bug Fixes:

  1. Missing Case Types
  2. Billing note – Onset date missing
  3. Notes -> Draft Note does not override therapist name if another therapist saves or finalizes
  4. Share Incoming Faxes – Empty Cases dropdown

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Ensure “Objective Findings” section scalability across display sizes
  2. SMS Reminder -> will auto-send upon updating attendance to “OK”
  3. Settings -> PayerID Match -> Clearinghouse dropdown should not be global
  4. Migrate Users Utility
  5. Notes -> Action button for “Save as Template” should be last item

Bug Fixes:

  1. Objective Tests PDF – Zeros in the table instead of Test answers
  2. Billable Diagnosis 
  3. Visits & Receipts – Apply Payment – Matched Note Issue
  4. Goals -> Pressing Cancel on the discharge goal window will still discharge the goal
  5. Card Connect – CC reprocessing
  6. Schedule -> Recurrance will duplicate the visit

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Time in/out -> should not be checked by default unless time in/out requirement on case settings is checked
  2. Fax -> Settings -> allow users to input Username/Password
  3. Therapist Invoice Report -> Sorting should be PATIENT NAME first, then DOS
  4. Reports -> Export to Excel -> Needs a loading notification
  5. Posting Payments -> Remove the “X” button from the Payment Type
  6. Add Loading Indicator – Notes -> Save as Draft

Bug Fixes:

  1. Payments tab -> Clearing the comment box will result in error
  2. Schedule – Cannot select Case from Appointment dropdown
  3. Underlying Impairment – Dropdowns cutoff
  4. CPT Settings Update Issue
  5. Patients with Draft Note Report -> CPT column has many duplicates
  6. Quick Discharge -> Finalizing gives me “Objective Comment” error

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. PDF -> Therapist signature to include license#
  2. Therapist Invoice Report – Sorting by DOS
  3. Patient List -> “My Patients Only” filter should default to “Active Cases” as well
  4. Settings -> PayerID Match -> do not allow deleting of insurances that are linked to patients and cases
  5. Dates of the scheduled visits are not in chronological order in PDF
  6. Notes -> Pick Template -> should restrict list to only users templates created by current user
  7. Patients with Expired Authorization Report -> allow future dates
  8. Schedule -> Rename “All” to “All Day/Waitlist”

Bug Fixes:

  1. Payments Tab -> save issue and processing issue (decimal)
  2. Superbill Export To Excel Exception
  3. Templates -> Issue with Underlying Impairment tab
  4. Patient List – Active Cases Filter Issue

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


1. Notes List – Require Cosign and Delete Draft Note

2. Notes List – Hold for Multi Addendums

3. Notes -> needs a processing modal during save as draft and finalize

4. V&R tab -> Hide “Auth#’ and “ADJ’ columns

5. Office Manager should be able to do “Communication Notes”

Bug Fixes:

1. Visit Note – Exception on creating/opening new

2. Schedule – Appointment times and therapist are incorrect on the printed PDF

3. Sensory Pediatrics – False Functional Deficit Requirement

4.  PDF shows wrong balance

5. Schedule -> Moving an appointment gives an error

6. Failed To Save Error: Height Value Issue

7. Carry over Exercises from 1.5

8. Test Progress Note Min/Max Feature


Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1.  Administration -> Users should be allowed for Masters/Office Managers
  2. RT (CPT) code name of “Eval” should bypass condition for non-evaluation notes
  3. Import ERA/835 Report -> Add Filtering

Bug Fixes:

  1. Note value carry-over
  2. Patient Scheduled With Missing Notes Report – Export to Excel error 
  3. Discharge Note – False Prognosis Validation
  4. Payments -> Credit Card CVV field should accept up to 4 characters
  5. Notes Template – Sensory Pediatrics Issue
  6. Fax Settings -> Edit -> Shows “Internal Error”
  7. Superbill report – Onset date 1 day off 
  8.  Pending Cosign Report -> pulling in notes that are in draft 

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


1. Aging Balance Report -> update filtering 

2. Patient List -> add new filtering for “Todays Patients” 

3. Schedule Lock

4. V&R -> Action button for Multi-remove schedules

5. Active Patient Report and Birthday Report -> exclude patients that have status of “Expired” or “Deceased”


Bug Fixes:

1. Subjective complaint carry over from drafted note to PDF

2. Quick Discharge – Prognosis issue

3. Place of service not showing on the Visits note

Failed to save error when loaded from template and load from history

5. Tx performed today not displaying to the pdf(Medicare A cases)

6. Missed and canceled notes are classified as daily notes on the notes report

7. PDF – PMH, PSH, DME not printing out

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. No Need 2nd Verification Email
  2.  Patient List -> Clear/Refresh button
  3.  Clearinghouse – Extensions Field

Bug Fixes:

  1.  Note template doesn`t save treatments, diagnosis, goals 
  2. Addendum Apply payment issue
  3. User Settings -> Regular Therapists should not have access to modify their rates
  4. Missed and canceled notes are classified as daily notes on the notes report

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Extra Svc Charges dropdown on Apply payment modal
  2. Patient Events -> Update Validation
  3. Update user label

Bug Fixes:

1. Error message during add New event from V&R

2. Іtatic event – cannot create more than two static events

3. Posted Payments by Date Report Update

4. Therapist Invoice Report – Export as PDF

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Notes -> Billing -> the grid should have lines
  2. Open case from Notes report
  3. V&R Tab -> sticky column row
  4. “Save as Template” on Evaluation Notes
  5. Progress Notes/Recerts/Re-eval -> Do Not Allow 0 Duration
  6. Refreshing Page -> should keep scope of patient selected

Bug Fixes:

  1. Error Log for “Failed to Save” Note
  2. Import ERA Exception on open
  3. Unchecked “Document Medical Necessity Exist” should be red in Full Discharge note
  4. Notes -> Re-order -> “Created and Last Update” shows wrong timezone
  5. Failed to save message when attempt to finalize note

Launching the release notes.

New Features:



1. Organization Unit Settings Update

2. Patient List -> Add Dropdown for “Location”

3. Reports -> Nesting/Grouping

4. Reports -> Nesting/Grouping

5. Submenu Item -> “Dictation”

6. Dashboard – Patient Statistics

Bug Fixes:

1. Visit Type Deletion Issue

2. Login Cookie Issue

3. Visits & Receipts – Extra Charge dropdown missing

4. Exported PCP file does not pull fax numbers and provider NPIs into Excel

5. Uploading Documents -> filename and file size error

6. Autoschedule – Attendance not auto set to OK

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Patients list alphabetical sorting
  2. ICD10-SKIP any duplicates
  3. Allow changing Evaluation date for addendum creation
  4. Case Settings -> Profile Dropdown -> Should show ALL profiles all at once 

Bug Fixes:

  1. PDF -> Notes -> The % Met is not showing up alongside the goal 
  2. Incorrect next POC due date
  3. Schedule -> Missing Green/Yellow/Blue Check icon if note is completed
  4. Primary and secondary insurance not carrying over to the active patient’s report
  5. Quick Discharge -> remove “Superbill” option from print
  6. Primary insurance not carrying over to printed POC and Superbill

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1.  Add refresh button to the recommended treatment, goals and Objective findings section
  2. Scheduler -> Should allow scheduling multiple patients on same time IF DIFFERENT CASE

Bug Fixes:

  1. Report -> Active Patients -> duplicate record and wrong ID#
  2. Visits & Receipts – Created schedule not sending notification
  3. Cannot download incoming faxes using an Ipad
  4. Patient Alert -> icon disappears when message popup closes
  5. At least 1 functional deficit must be filled in error appears when Quick discharge

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Add “Add new record” button to Pain location
  2. Settings – CPT – Update to All Discipline Issue
  3. Incoming Faxes – Rename for Sharing file

Bug Fixes:

  1. Wellness Notes -> data does not seem to be carrying over note to note
  2. Notes -> Medication Search
  3. Discipline issue on visit notes
  4. Extra Service Amount Not Adding Up
  5. Discharged Cases are still showing the discipline icon on patient list 

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Aging Report-Sp update
  2. Updating Treatments CPT Settings
  3. Remove the period at the finalized date when finalizing a note 

Bug Fixes:

  1. PDF -> Eval/PN/Recert/Re-eval/DC -> Visits From Start of Care shows wrong number
  2. Scheduler – Failed To Save
  3. Unable to open a case from the schedule
  4. Global -> Typing Lag
  5. Visits & Receipts – Create Schedule Issue
  6. Claims – Ready to Send filter issue
  7. Insurance tab -> Payment Information -> Grid not reflecting in V&R 

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Prepopulate Select Provider when sending Note as fax
  2.  Patient Information -> Send Review Link -> SHOULD NOT depend on the automated reminders
  3. Transaction report -> need the option for column options

Bug Fixes:

  1. Receipts-Overlapping text
  2. Addendum Notes Print -> lacks prefix “Addendum” in the file name
  3. Therapist Invoice Report showing wrong therapist
  4. Confirm Action after save

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1.  Billing tab -> increase space for comments
  2. Invisible horizontal scrollbar on Billing/Transaction

Bug Fixes:

  1. RTB – Html tags/format on display issue
  2. Remove minutes/units from Billing page (Medicare part A case) 
  3.  Visits & Receipts Grid -> Pagination Refresh Issue upon “Posting Payment”
  4. Submitted claims dates not in the correct order(sorting issue)
  5. Min-Max Progress note Counter appears the same message three times

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Patient Alert -> Reuse the top Alert Message for patient alert
  2. Therapist Needs new signature upload
  3. Readonly Different Discipline

Bug Fixes:

  1. PatientID# on UI is different to URL and titlebar
  2. Note Printout Difference
  3. Incoming faxes cant be renewed

Launching the release notes.

New Features:


  1. Offices list alphabetical sorting

Bug Fixes:

  1. DOB is 1 day off
  2. Rich Text Display
  3. Default date is setting one day ahead
  4. Blocker issue when user trying to create Daily note
  5. Evaluation note cant be created afted Communication note

Launching the release notes.

New Features:

  1. Sync to collabMD secondary insurance number fix


  1. Functional Deficits Dropdown
  2. Send payment link – replace sender email.
  3. Visits & receipts – hide post payment
  4. 8 minute rule update

Bug Fixes:

  1. eFaxing External Documents (From Documents tab) not working
  2. Note count -> record count is 0 for all notes of a case
  3. Medical and surgical history is not saving
  4. Medicare B case type -> progress note modal not showing up within 8 – 10 POCs
  5. Some visits are not auto-matched to the note causing a wrong balance
  6. Post Payment Modal -> Matched note not showing option

Pending Updates


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