Release Notes
System Status
Release Updates
New Features:
- Inventory Management -> Add Quantity and Images
- Patient Information -> Add new section for “Guarantors”
- Notes -> Compare prior note field data to check if it’s the same as new note field
- Case Settings -> “No Authorization” issues
- Add “Date Range” for the the dashboard KPI
- Custom Case Types
- PCP/Referral -> add dropdown for “Group”
- CPT codes -> make “CPT Code” required field
- invoice# searching
- Documents Tab -> Share
- V&R -> Apply Payment -> hide the insurance section if case = SELF PAY
- Schedule -> Replace the Providers dropdown with the existing “Reorder” button
- CPT Settings -> “Evaluation Note” checkbox how on parent notes only
Bug Fixes
- Signature log should only print signature for that one visit, not all
- Payment Link -> multiple visits showed duplicate
- Save button unresponsive when setting up static events
- Aging Balance report PDF includes records with $0 (grid is fine)
- Text Overlap on the therapist invoice PDF
- Static Events -> Setup grid issues
- Sharing Template issues
- Frequency Audit Report Displays ‘Times Per Year’ Instead of ‘Times Per Certification Period’
- Signature Tab showing wrong date on PDF
- Dashboard -> Expiring Staff Documentation & User Birthdays
- Schedule Statistics and Visits Report discrepancies
New Features:
- PCP/Referral -> add dropdown for “Group”
- Inventory Management -> Add Quantity and Images
- Reports with updated “Insurance” data from new grid
Bug Fixes
- Payment Link -> multiple visits showed duplicate
- Save button unresponsive when setting up static events
- Text cut off on the objective interpretation field
- Hotfix for Active Patient
- Hotfixes – Billing Transaction Report
- Reports with updated “Insurance” data from new grid
- Appointment Reminders -> add a link for patients to click CONFIRM
Bug Fixes
- Duplicate Records on Active Patient Report
- SELF PAY invoice/receipt issue for patient receipt/invoice
- Import ERA/835 -> Doubling Patient Responsibility
New Features:
- Secondary billing report
- New Note -> Placeholder Evaluation
- Ready to Send -> Audit -> add check for $0 fee schedule for CPT code
- Note Templates -> allow Richtext to be turned on when creating
- Dashboard -> regular therapists should not view the top cards
- Send Payment URLs to itemize and include invoice#
- Batch Posting -> Skip over claims that have existing data in the fields
- Billing -> Ready to Send/Audited/Submitted -> Modifier column
- Note Rule – Allow 30 day progress note for Med B
- Recurring appointments move an hour backward
- Scheduler -> add more recurrence options
Bug Fixes
- System Alert modal should only show upon logging in
- Patient Auth Report -> not showing correct visit #’s
- Signature log should only print signature for that one visit, not all
- Export to Excel Button Disabled for Aging Balance Report due to date scope issue
- Schedule Widget Settings – Can be blank for Patient Portal Usage
New Features:
- Permission > copy from
- Insurance Grid updates
- Schedule widget > consent intake link not in notification email
- Massage Therapy Role > Notes > EVal to Assessment
- Settings > Insurance > Add comment field
- V&R > Add search box for invoice
- User Management Options
- Activity log > Incorporate new insurance grid
- RTM Note > If therapist tried to finalize with wrong units
- Productivity Report – Add grid and export
Bug Fixes
- Timeout error when batch printing
- Attempted to divide by zero (Do test for Objective tests scores getting saved)
- Onset date missing from 837
- Notes > Should not allow dates to be cleared
- Wrong number of pins when compared to appointments
- Assistant cosgin/uncosign modifier issue
- Top 10 Insurance Reports
- Progress Note alerts bypassing
- First visit badge incorrectly displaying for all Visits on Schedule
- V&R Patient Responsibility Grid not referencing the payment
- Clicking Billed or Hold shouldn’t override last update on note
- Navigation from schedule to announcement
- Goal formatting off due to new daily note
- Issue with creating multiple rows with different visit types
- Therapist rates invoice issue
- Overlapping text on the eval PDF
- Addendum notes not showing billed amounts
- Discrepancy in paid amount displayed in addendum notes
- Aging Balance Report issue
New Features:
- Post-discharge report
- Case Settings -> Note Rule for “Daily Note ICD/Goals”
- Dynamic Consent Intake Form
- Announcement -> feedback on grid row selection
- Insurance Tab -> should not have to press edit to use action buttons
Bug Fixes
- Transaction Report – Paging is off due to grouping
- User redirected to the dashboard when the “$” in the schedule tab is clicked
- Cross Schedule Location Issue
- Internal Error message when printing Receipts -> individual and all via V&R tab
- Cannot open note list
New Features:
- New Tab called “Internal Documents”
- System Alert -> add toggle for “Show Banner”
- Billing -> Claims -> Column Toggle like Transaction report and export to Excel
- Insurance Grid Updates
- Transaction Report -> add columns
- Case Settings -> include a column for “Comment”
- V & R – Office name subtext update
- Reports -> “All Offices”
- Top 10 Insurances Seen Report
- Secondary Billing Report
- Patient Status Report -> add Grid View
- Import ERA -> remove the “Billed Amount” check
- Notes -> add button called “Reset KX”
Bug Fixes
- Inaccurate Therapist Invoice report(Missing visits)
- Aging Balance
- Net Collection Rate
- Error message when “apply payment” is clicked
- Exception message when sending SFTP
- RTM Notes are not triggering cosigns
- New User Email Verbiage
- Match Total revenue on the dashboard with total revenue in the revenue report
New Features:
- Schedule -> Switching Locations Patient List Popup
- userCreateRemoveLog / User-Update Log Report
- Insurance Tab -> revise to grid format
- Insurance Tab -> If relationship = SELF -> auto-check “Primary Holder”
- Authorization Grid -> add columns
- Notes Report -> Add “Date Billed/Last Reviewed” column
- Replace ‘Splint Orthosis Error’ with Contextual Billing Message for Eval Note Finalization
Bug Fixes
- Internal error message when a user Clocks out
- CPT Rule Setup -> Max Unit Fix
- Static events appearing on wrong date
- Balance Reports are excluding NS/CX rates
- Clock In/Out Feature Displays Incorrect Times After Saving Changes
- Template issue with evaluation codes
- Cannot access to notes tab
- User Update Log – User Creation FIX
- New Insurance – Checkbox update behavior FIX
New Features:
- Enable Patient Search by Date of Birth in the Patient List
- Office Settings -> Auto-Audit
- Schedule -> Switching Locations Patient List Popup
- Patient Signatures -> add GPS coordinates
- 12481-Remove Restriction on Progress Note Min/Max Box for Med B Case Type.
- Patient Information -> Primary Care Physician -> make this into a hotlink
- Active Patients Report -> Add field for “Date Added” and “Age”
- CPT Rule Setup -> add toggle for “Per Case”
- Allow Unrequire Cosign for Assistants
- Reformat the “Notes” grid on mobile
- Aging Balance Report -> 2nd layer -> hide column that says “Adjustments”
- Administration -> Users -> add column for “Phone” and “E-Signature”
- Appointment Reminder Report -> review implementation for accuracy
- Intake/Consent Forms -> Include a SMS with Link
- SMS Reminders -> Add placeholder for therapist name and visit type
- Patient Total Note Count Report -> add column for non-billable notes
Bug Fixes
- Insurance Tab -> Payments Information Grid rounds the numbers
- Toggle Default Clearing Houses
- Discharge Note -> Renew issue
- Wrong time stamp on a text on the chat feature
- User Settings -> Therapist Rate – Therapist Invoice issue with different locations and rates
- “ERA Posting: Inaccurate Write-Offs and Patient Responsibility
- Dropdown option missing on the PDF of the LEFS and Revised Oswestry Disability Index
- Scheduler Error – Archived Patient
- Scheduler -> download .ics is not exporting the Static Events
- Objective Test -> QuickDASH scoring issue
- Patient Responsibility Report issues
- Patient Responsibility report -> date is off
- Issue with Cosign Users
- Unable to view visit type.
- Referral Report -> add column/filter for “Primary Insurance”
- Document Type Settings -> Exclude Default Ones
- If an event/reminder is due today, email user
- If user does an addendum, then the V&R record should update the “Matched Note” to the addendum
- V&R -> Put “delete” under “Options”
- Missed/CX Notes -> do not trigger KX modifier warning
- Toggle Default ClearingHouses
Bug Fixes
- Scheduler Optimization
- CPT Fee Schedule showing $0 on 837 for one example
- ConsentIntake Worker not sending email
- When users click OUT of the text box, auto-complete should close.
- DatePicker -> enable clicking previous and next month dates if shown
- Productivity report is broken
New Features:
- Case Settings -> 30 Day Progress Note
- Patient Authorization Report -> add insurance column and number of visits used
- Therapist Rates -> allow CPT rates to be per note type
- Active Patients Report -> keyword search should search all fields
- Notes report -> add filter for “Hold”
- Add the Therapist CX to the IconLegend
- Notes -> Billing grid -> Allow tabbing
Bug Fixes:
- Wellness Issue-Assistant Created Visit Note Issue FIX
- Unable to add daily note from schedule popup
- Scheduler – Wrong date displayed on Day view
- Posting Payment Issues -> Internal Error
- Error message when printing an appointment with no case from the schedule
- Visits & Receipts Package Issue
- Patient Cannot be enrolled
- CPT/Treatment -> “Evaluation Note Only” not working
- Visits by CPT Report not showing all data
- Allow the primary and secondary authorizations to overlap since they can be different
- Visits & Receipts Printout Footer Issue
- Events -> The remind date/time calendar cuts off
- Patient Signature Page missing on V2
- Timezone issues on PDFs on schedules
- Error message when printing an appointment with no case from the schedule
- Productivity Report Feedback
New Features:
- Therapy Cap report
- Case Settings -> add “Reason for Referral” field
- Active Patients Report -> keyword search should search all fields
- Documents Tab -> Share
- Authorization Grid -> add columns
- Notes -> Billing -> Treatment/CPT comments -> apply autocomplete
- Schedule -> add filter for Attendance Status & Visit Type
Bug Fixes:
- Schedule Header Distortion
- Compliance Report Patch
- Patient Authorization Report -> add insurance column and number of visits used
- “Display All” for autocomplete and goals are showing global
- “Pick Evaluation Template” will not load initially
- Compliance Report
- Text getting copied and pasted during LIVE documentation on Chromebooks(PMH & PSH boxes)
- Printing and eFaxing Notes -> add option for “Include Facesheet”
- Add DOS and invoice# to the top of the Apply payment window in the V&R tab
- Notes -> add button called “Reset KX”
- Therapist Rates -> allow CPT rates to be per note type
- Schedule -> Pending Appointments -> Update Grid to include a comment column
Bug Fixes:
- Posting Payment Issues -> Internal Error
- Notes -> should not allow dates to be cleared -> will cause finalize issue
- Active Cases report -> Insurance column fix
- Treatment DX -> adds Medical DX to daily note PDF
- Referral Request is showing random data
- DME in the finalized notes different from DME printed on the pdf
- Unable to add daily note from schedule popup
- Scheduler – Wrong date displayed on Day view
- Patients tab -> should not revert back to “Information” subtab upon typing a new patient name
- Notes -> add a dropdown for “Location”
- Finalizing Daily Notes -> if POC is expired, do not allow finalizing
- Self Pay -> Add patient paid column on the superbill PDF
- Patient Balance in Aging Balance & V&R Tab -> exclude rows where TOTAL balance = $0
Bug Fixes:
- Cases With Require Cosign Issue FIX
- Re-order Notes not working properly
- Schedule Comments missing after moving appointments
- Timezone issue across the system for certain features
- Payments Tab -> clicking refresh status should not update the date/time
- Insurance -> Payment Information -> Copay will adjust V&R per date range, but others do not
- Missing PCP on fax dropdown
- Documents Tab -> PDFs are not retaining a .pdf extension causing download and eFax issue
New Features:
- New attendance type called “Therapist CX”
- Static Events -> Categories -> uniform the colors
- Schedule Location – Patient Dropdown Dependency Update
- V&R Tab -> add checkbox or filter for “Exclude Future Visits”
- Patient Payment/Balance Report -> add checkbox for Patient Balance
- Treatment/CPT grid -> have a filter for “Active”
- Import ERA/835 -> Add Average Reimbursement column
- Announcement -> feedback to have “Save to template” option
- RTM Notes -> exclude “POC” from being an option when printing and eFaxing
Bug Fixes:
- Progress Note Warning Issue Fix
- Cannot Autobalance to Zero
- Appointments requests sent using the schedule widget display the wrong time
- V&R & Notes tab -> saving the modal will revert back to 50 pagination, but keep the UI as 100
- Case Settings -> Disable Carryover -> feature not working
- PCP/Referral -> copy issue causes dragging
- Notes Report -> upon load it loads “All Offices”
- Assistant Roles -> finalizing without require cosign?
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- New report: Missing Patient Signature
- Patient Portal – Appointment Tab
- Schedule -> add filter for Attendance Status & Visit Type
- Widget/Pending Appointments – Default “Select Therapist” dropdown to “All”
- Make scroll bars (vertrical and horizontal) darker
- Case Settings -> Dropdown for Case Manager
- Ability to send a payment link for different payment amount options
- Request to bring back the ability to add a new patient directly from the schedule.
- Treatment/CPT grid -> have a filter for “Active”
- Scheduler -> patients on “All Day” should have appointment reminders bypassed
- Notes Report -> note filter -> add option for “Discharge (Full and Quick)”
Bug Fixes:
- Notes Report -> click the “x” on the “Office” filter will result in error
- Billing -> Import ERA -> keep the “nested layers” open after user posts payment
- Fax Notifications – Duplicate Issue
- Progress Notes – Frequency/Duration/Certification Display Issue
- V&R -> Patient Responsibility not coming up in modal
- AR Report issue with dates
- eFaxing from “Documents” tab -> giving a conversion error due to long filename
- CPT Rule Setup not working -> allowing therapists to finalize beyond the maximum value
- Error message when printing an appointment with no case from the schedule
- “Please select a case” error message when editing a recurring event in “SERIES” only
- Case Settings -> Check Schedule issue
- Autosave issue for Load from templates
- Goals & Autocomplete Permission for “All” should be from OFFICE, not GLOBAL
- Console Error – Duplicate form field id
- Schedule -> showing green check for communication notes instead of purple
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- N/A
- Transaction & Superbill Report updates
- Therapist Credentials should be all CAPS on all PDF printouts
- Patient Information -> Primary Care Physician -> make this into a hotlink
- Medical Record Number should be stamped on the PDFs instead of PatientID# (if exists)
- Notes with missing schedules report – Exclude notes on “HOLD” to avoid addendums from showing up
- Patient Tab -> Menu items to have different color for the tab they are on
- Users -> Exclude Internal team members by default
Bug Fixes:
- Missing link text in the “affiliate link” menu item
- Post Payment Issue
- Rendering issue affecting static events when printing schedule in the Calendar view
- Invisible date on the PDF calendar view of the schedule
- Therapist Invoice -> do not display total for the “Total Visits” column
- Schedule/Patient Text Color Clashing
- Wrong Treatment frequency printed on the PDF
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- Session Time Report
- Billing Notes -> dropdown for “Rendering Provider”
- Billing Reports – Feedback
- Billing -> Ready to Send/Audited/Submitted -> Modifier column –
- Revenue Report -> add a second layer to break down by CPT
- When initiating new Recertification/Re-evaluation notes -> do not preload the “days”
- Medicare B case type -> allow users to modify the “min” value of the progress note reminder
- Case Settings -> KX modifier offset
- Functional Deficits -> create goal button from Evaluation Note should be added to the Recerts/PN/Re-evals
- Notes -> have a filter to show note types
- User Setting -> Have a checkbox called “Disable Finalize”
- Master Users and Office Manager roles -> the “Display All Schedules” should be auto-checked for them
Bug Fixes:
- Revenue Report / Widget Optimization
- Color Spectrum cut of when editing a visit type from the Settings
- Import ERA/835 -> Uploading Multiple Files will only import 1 and then say the others are already imported
- Error message on the Aging Balance report
- Notes -> OK attendance count is wrong
- eFax -> the Patient Name + ID# is missing on eFaxed documents
- Unable to upload more that one document simultaneously
- V&R -> When highlighting and printing -> after print, the highlight will drop
- Appointment Reminders Location Issue
- Internal Error message when sending an appointment notification when CASE IS NOT SELECTED
- Superbill report Internal Error -> when ALL OFFICES are used
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- Secondary billing report
- Frequency audit report
- Outcome measures report
- Flowsheet -> Add CPT column
- Insurance Tab -> the “Add” buttons should be clickable without pressing “Edit”
- Posted Payment REport -> add column for payment type
Bug Fixes:
- Favorites -> bug on dropdown
- User Setting – Therapist Rate – All Treatment Issue on Defaults
- Prevent Cross Discipline batch cosigning
- Setting – Update Patient Status Issue
Launching Release Notes
- Add the document uploader’s name as an extra column in the documents tab
- POC Notes should have Green Check if “bypass” checked not working for addendums
- Notifications -> update fax status
Bug Fixes:
- Dashboard -> Pending Cosign -> showing communication notes, missed/canceled notes
- Notes – 10th Visit – Recertification option
- Error Message when sending a notification from the scheduler
- Static Events should be shown only to the location it was designated for
- Formatting issue on Evaluation PDF
- Cancel/Missed Visit on Wellness Cases are missing
Launching Release Notes
- Show all visits when there are 3+ visits scheduled
- Dashboard -> Pending Cosign Widget -> for regular therapists, should only show cases where they are the assigned therapist
- Include dropdown menu in the time zone office settings
- Reports -> Patient -> Patient Eligibility -> format of the DOS change
- V&R -> Options should be clickable
- Rename “Birthdays & Expiring Staff Documentation (30 DAYS)” to “Birthdays & Expiring Documentation (30 DAYS)”
- Progress Notes -> hide the “Certification Date” field
- Transaction & Superbill Report -> Add column for “Auth#”
- Documents tab -> Document Type settings
Bug Fixes:
- Schedule -> “Current time” red line is broken
- User Setting – Therapist Rate – 97110 not populating
- Patient Portal login -> shows Patient Not Found error
- AutoSave > 30s Hotfix
- Notes -> Treatment plan tab bug not retaining values
- Duplicate Faxes
- Daily Notes – Goals View Issue
- Office Logo very small, and cropping dimensions are not good
Launching Release Notes
- Visit type should be displayed on the schedule pop up
- Schedule -> Hover -> Attendance radio buttons
- Announcement -> feedback on permissions
Bug Fixes:
- Notes -> should not allow dates to be cleared -> will cause finalize issue
- Import ERA -> the date is missing upon importing
- Freezing buttons when coming from the “Schedule”
Launching Release Notes
- Schedule -> add “Frequency” to the hoverbox.
- Expired Authorization report -> update search logic
Bug Fixes:
- Draft Notes Report -> permission for “All Therapists” is selected, but not showing up on UI
- Schedule Hover -> print -> should only print from selected case from todays date
- Schedule Statistics Report -> wrong data
- PCP/Referral -> Suffix shouldn’t be global
- Scheduler – Active and Selected Office Issues
- {website} is showing up on the header when website is blank (office settings)
- Medical Diagnosis codes are not getting saved in the CASE SETTINGS
- Faxing issue from “Documents” tab
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- V&R -> Allow users to “Send Payment Link” for multiple visits
- Request to add a 40 and 75 minute option to the scheduler date interval dropdown
- Aging Balance Report -> Patient Balance updates
Bug Fixes:
- Therapist invoice – All provider filter causes discrepancies in rates
- Fax V1.5 not sending
- Download .ics button on schedule bug -> file format issue + wrong date export
- Case Settings -> Disable Carryover -> feature not working
- Missed and Canceled Notes -> auto-match schedule should set attendance appropriately
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- User Settings -> Rates -> add grid for CPT Code Rate
- Scheduler -> allow users to control font size
- Importing ERA -> match patientID from AFFILIATED office
- Allow for dragging of appointments without a case selected
- POC Notes should have Green Check if “bypass” checked
- Pending Cosign Report -> add column for Assigned Therapists
- Make “all offices” an option for all reports
- Patient Responsibility Report-Relabel
- Simplify User Documents
Bug Fixes:
- Schedule-Height too big-Make compact
- PDF of Missed and Cancelled notes should NOT print the ROM page
- KPI Dashboard accuracy
- Notes -> Statistics wrong
- Quick Communication Note Issue
- Duplicate Faxes
- Therapist Invoice Report -> missing some rows when cosigned
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- Affiliate Link on dashboard
- Schedule -> Hover -> add “Nickname” to the name
- V&R Tooltip for “Insurance Payment” to break down the primary, secondary, tertiary
- Reorder the list of facilities in the office dropdown to alphabetical order
- Patient Information -> show added date
- Reports -> Expiring Staff Documentation
- Productivity report
- 11515-Authorization Logic Update
- Scheduler -> Modal should have “Location” dropdown
- Patient Payment Balance Report -> update columns/filters
- Schedule -> Allow dragging + “lines” in between the time
- Schedule -> Google Maps -> needs to zoom where pins are
- Notes – Social history button in Evaluation implementation
- Active Cases Report -> add checkbox filter for “Cases with no notes”
- Dashboard -> EXPIRED AUTHORIZATION -> revise to EXPIRING
- Simplify Additional Rates
- Therapist Invoice Report -> EXCLUDE QUICK DISCHARGES
- Import ERA Graph reconfiguration
- Case Settings -> Apply Modifier -> needs to be in separate boxes on the 837
- Schedule -> when moving appointments that will trigger SMS/Email reminder, issue a Y/N notification
Bug Fixes:
- 11102-Appointment List Issue Vs Receipts Printout
- excel print out of the therapist invoice report does not contain the therapist column when the “all filter” is used
- Case Settings -> Progress Min/Max should be available to Medicaid, Workers Comp, Auto case types
- Scheduler Export view to PDF
- Notes – TimeIn/Out input issue
- Patient Dashboard Permission Issue
- Patient Portal – Consent Forms
- Patient Portal – Intake Forms
- Reorder Notes – Note Title Issue
- Error message when using the auto-balance feature on visits without linked notes
- Schedule -> Hover will not show the right copay amount based on the date range
- Therapist Invoice report not showing WELLNESS rates
- Schedule Widget – Firefox Issue
- Patient Payment & Balance Report -> error when running August 2023 or earlier
- Schedule -> Mobile Touch too sensitive
- V&R -> Printing PDF with balance even though its’ a CX visit
- The punctuation marks in the autocomplete phrases do not auto-populate with the text specifically on daily notes
- Evaluation Template – Time in/out time empty when saved and re-opened the current time populates
- Therapist Invoice should only show the latest addendum
- Scheduler – cannot move events
- 837 Resend 837 Office Issue
Launching Release Notes
1. Block off weekly schedule
2. Automatically check bypass when a new POC is created
3. Notes -> Note Options -> rename “Batch Print” to “Batch Print/Reorder/Archive”
Bug Fixes
1. Note Templates Not displaying
2. Case Settings -> Apply Modifier -> needs to be in separate boxes on the 837
4. New roles not showing up on the “Therapist” list
5. Progress Note Count Issue
6. Dashboard + Draft Note report not showing up draft notes
Launching Release Notes
- Schedule Widget -> we need to flag in the Visit Type settings which appear on the widget
Bug Fixes:
- Correct the spelling of receiver on the sms template
- Case Settings rename settings
- Clock In/Out Report – Therapist Filter Issue
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- Clearing House Office Settings -> OfficeAlly 837
- Patient Information -> PCP Field -> “information” icon
- Incoming Faxes sorting
- Reports -> Have a checkbox for Therapists to only show inactive
- Exercises performed list should be in alphabetical order by default
Bug Fixes:
- Import 835 File Issue
- Future date being shown in evening time
- New Daily Note Issue
- Loading Patient List Filter Settings Issue
- User Settings -> doesn’t retain linking/unlinking office of another user – Unable to save because of this error message
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- Patient Portal/Widget -> Waitlist Module
- Patient Portal -> Add “Schedule Appointment” tab
- Automatically check bypass when a new POC is created
Bug Fixes:
- 837 – Auth Number empty even if Insurance Type was set to All & Primary
- KPI cards UI changes
Launching Release Notes
- Apply Payment -> Writeoff -> add dropdown for Reason
- Visits & Receipts – Must printout 0 balance receipts
- Authorization Logic Update
- Import ERA -> Expand All
- Notes -> case name should be a hotlink to “View Note List”
- Import ERA -> update columns (first level)
- Wellness Cases-add options for Quick Missed/Canceled note
- Scheduler -> Recurrence -> Add option for Sessions
- Notes -> new note -> give warning if last authorization visit
- Superbill PDF should also stamp the license number (like on notes)
Bug Fixes:
- Insurances Mismatching
- “Already exists” error message when adding PMH
- Visits & Receipts – Schedule Issues
- DME box not working
- Notes -> Default Profile -> PDF still prints the categories if none were selected
- Scheduler will not retain therapist name
- The schedule loader for these 3 users spins indefinitely. Using different bowsers and clearing cache does not work.
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- Scheduler -> Add Google API for Map Plotting Patients
- Default color for Medicare and Non-Medicare should be as per V1.5
- Office Settings -> field for Website URL
- Patient Events -> add dropdown for “Author/Tagged”
- Posting Payments -> Extra Service -> have a hotlink to the “Inventory Management”
- Visits Report -> Filter + Multi-select
- Insurance Information tab -> give error if Relationship is not self and policyholder is null
- Patient Information -> retain settings per user
- Patient responsibility report-500 internal error fix
- Insurance Authorization -> Add option for “Insurance Type”
Bug Fixes:
- Schedule month view issue
- Payments – Refund, Void, Update status icons
- Autocomplete distortion on notes
- Patient Payment/Balance Report showing note that doesn’t exist
- Flowsheet bug on evaluation template creation
- Secondary claim should not have GROUP# on the 837 file
- Therapist Invoice -> new Cosigned checkbox inaccurate
- Show case office name in the 837 file – Case office location FIX
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- Expand the exercises performed today box
- Notes -> Authorization showing wrong dates
- Report Favorites -> rename and auto-refresh
- Dashboard Update-Feature Update widget fix
- Patients Scheduled with Missing Notes Report -> update columns and filters
- Import ERA/835 -> Add graph
- Users -> Roles -> if Assistant, then check “Cosign Required” automatically
- Billing -> add suffix to the Therapist and Referring column
- Patient Portal Dashboard – Consent Intake Percentage
- Patient List -> advanced filters -> location shows officeID for regular users (should be hidden)
- Billing grid -> first column is too wide (increase comment width)
- Visits Report -> add indicator for “Note Completed”
- Aging Balance Report -> include Insurance names and nesting
Bug Fixes:
- Sensory Pediatric-Subjective Complaint – False Validation FIX
- Intake/Consent form Email confirmation -> the ID is wrong
- fix the grammar error in outgoing email message for appointment reminder. Remove “to”
- Last login datetime inaccuracy
- Auto complete phrases not popping up on the fax section when sending a POC.
- MMT dropdown list disappears when scrolling
- MD not populating when sending a fax
- Dashboard -> Pending Cosign is not showing therapists their own cases
- Scheduler -> Late CX missing from Statistics
Launching Release Notes
- Therapist Invoice report new columns
- Notes -> DOB field should state the age
- Scheduler -> Therapist dropdown -> discipline checkbox
- Scheduler->Therapist dropdown->selectable discipline category discipline
Bug Fixes:
- Dashboard KPI – timeout exception fix
- “skip the dashboard” user settings does not work to skip the dash
- Basic Template -> Subjctive is required, but will allow user to finalize
- Supervision Note should not be auto-matching to the scheduler upon finalizing
- Chat Message Display Issue
- Single click a slot on the schedule on an Ipad does not work to schedule an appointment
- Schedule -> Recurrance issue (Series) – Block Time
Launching Release Notes
- Show case office name in the 837 file
- Faxes -> Incoming -> Checkbox to designate as “Read”
- Reports -> have last row “Totals”
- Active Cases Report -> add checkbox filter for “Cases with no notes”
- Scheduler -> Apply Payment action button should only be shown if “Patient Responsibility Report” enabled
Bug Fixes:
- Receipt PDF shows % instead of $ for Discount
- Basic Profile PDF showing field that doesn’t exist
- Visit Type -> add field for “Default Rate” and “Default Time” – (new fields)
- Dashboard -> KPI cards
- Dark Mode -> update the white fields
- Batch Printing issue
- Import ERA -> ADJ codes missing on some CPT codes
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- Reports -> Expenses/Bookkeeping
- Office Settings -> Deactivate should retain members
- Therapist Invoice -> PAID column will force reload
- Evaluation Note Templates -> show “Created by” to all users
Bug Fixes:
- PMH, PSH, DME -> remove from global
- History Dates in Notes are 1 day off
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- Import ERA/835 -> add additional columns
- All Offices for Superbill and Transactions
Bug Fixes:
- Error message upon loading and running the patient payment balance report Reported by beyond compression
- Consent Form Spacing Issue
- Scheduler -> Hover is not showing full therapist name
- Activity Log issues
- User Settings -> Primary office -> do not show non-affiliated offices
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- Schedule -> UI Updates
- Reports -> Expenses/Bookkeeping
- Report Sorting
- Active Cases Report -> Last Note Date should exclude addendums from prior notes
- Patient Events -> add dropdown for “Author/Tagged”
- Events -> Users should not be able to modify comments once they are saved
- Office Settings -> field for Website URL
- Report -> Rename “Active Cases” to “Active Cases/Lost Patient”
- Scheduler -> Highlight todays date to Date + Therapist Names
- Active Cases Report -> Add column and filter for “Insurance”
- Schedule – Location dropdown list
- Schedule – Add message popup if patient reach his auth limit
- Case Settings -> Modifiers -> Multiselect
- Assistants -> Discharge Note (full and quick) -> no save as draft option
- Billing -> Add filter for “Exclude Medicare A”
Bug Fixes:
- Card Connect Payments Flow Issue
- Exception printing note pdf fix
- Preset Case Rule Exception
- Custom SMS Reminder Warning
- Intake/Consent Forms issues
- Inventory Management -> Tax Rate issue
- Notes Report -> Discipline filter not working
- Discharge Goal -> allow null comment
- CPT Settings -> Need Comment checkbox not working
- Addendum to “Missed Note” to revise to Canceled is labeling as a “Missed Note”
- Net Collection Rate Report has different numbers than Transaction report
- Schedule -> Authorization icon appearing even though case not expired
- Rich text does not work when printing with the batch print option
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- Settings -> PayerID Match/Insurance settings -> setup for default case rules
- Report -> Credit Card Transactions
- Clock In/Out Log Report
- Users -> All Offices -> should be current office by default
- Move CPT Setup from Notes tab to Insurance tab
- Users -> Affiliated Offices should only show to the current user their own affiliated offices
Bug Fixes:
- Daily Notes – Continue With POC Issue
- RTM Note issue
- Authorization Logic updates
- Addendum Notes are appearing with purple check
Launching Release Notes
- PCP/Referral Settings -> increase character limit
- Allow to Import Multi Remit file in Import ERA/835 page
- Review – Pediatrics – Functional Deficits – Multi-select dropdowns
Bug Fixes:
- Evaluation Note -> cannot finalize without any goals bug
- Sensory Pediatric – Daily Note – Comment
- Daily Note not printing for specific note
- Schedule -> Bug with selecting one therapist
- Billing Note -> no carryover
- Patient Information tab -> action button for Request Referral freezing
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- Regular therapists shouldn’t have access to “Import ERA” on dashboard
- Users -> Offices -> Add scrollbar + OfficeID
- Therapist Invoice Report -> Add a checkbox for “Therapist Paid”
- POC Tracking
Bug Fixes:
- Patient Portal enrollment error
- Error message when generating the revenue report
- Settings > Place Of Service Issue
- Visits & Receipts Timeout
- V&R – Copay and Coinsurance% should not be applied to the DOS outside of DateRange
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- Activity Log
- Offices -> easier approach to add “affiliated” office
- Therapist Invoice Report -> Allow “All” Therapists for Masters/Office Managers only
- Supervision Note -> allow to add this note even if other notes in draft
Bug Fixes:
- Revenue Widget Issue
- Documents -> Send Fax button does not appear unless the name has .pdf at the end
- Case Settings – Progress Min/Max fields in HMO and PPO cases
- Progress Notes/Recerts are not pulling in prior note subjective and assessment information
- Notes -> goals not pulling from last note
- Notes – UI Mobile resolution
- Rename “Initial Treatment Plan” to “Assessment” on the printed Evaluation
- Notes – Sensory Pediatric issues
- 8 Minute Rule warning, but allowed to finalize
- Discharge Note are not able to be cosigned
- eFax causes freezing
Launching Release Notes
New Features:
- Schedule -> Therapist names Visit Count
- CPT Settings should have multi-select for “Discipline”
- Rename Settings -> “PayerID Match” to “Insurance & PayerID”
- Batch Cosign -> grid should exclude missed and canceled notes
- Scheduler – Delete Icon & Therapist Initials
- Permission for “HOLD, BILLED, PAID” -> should only be “HOLD”
- Active Cases report -> add column for next schedule visit
Bug Fixes:
- Scheduler -> Static Events -> color does not retain
- Quick Discharge notes should not give a “KX” warning upon finalizing
- Scheduler -> Print Appointment List button
- Import 835/ERA -> ERA Nesting – CPT code is not showing in second level
- Fax – Autocomplete formatting
- Schedule – Follow-up visits shouldnt cause “Already exist” error
- Widget – Time is not shown when no visit type selected
- Scheduler – Event Double Click
- Error when setting a static event for > 1 day in a row
- Notes – Billing profile note save as draft issue
Launching Release Notes
New Features
- Reports Menu – Favorites
- Case Type MedA – Exclude RTM Notes
- Scheduler -> Apply Payment action button should only be shown if “Revenue report” enabled
- Aging Balance Report -> allow print all statements
Bug Fixes:
- Note Manager – Communication notes printing
- Notes – Remove “Eastern Standard Time” from PDFs
- Cosigning Note & Authorization Issue
- RTM Notes – Total Units Issue
- Saving office settings doesn’t work
- Printing Notes -> PDF name should be note date, not printed date
- Notes – Components of Function Comments Review
- CPT 96125 -> if it has 0 minutes and 0 units, won’t let you finalize
- Evaluation Addendum -> Earlier Date
Launching Release Notes
- Discipline dropdown added to patient list
- Print button added on signature tab
- Billing tab -> Event action button added to “ready to send” tab.
Bug Fixes:
- Daily notes -> Continue with POC issue
- Timeout during claims submission fixed
- Unable to delete events on Ipad
- Adding goals to one user results in “Goal Already Exists” if the goal exists for another user.
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
1. Schedule-Therapist Sorting
2. Schedule therapist names initials
1. Schedule widget – birthday field
Bug Fixes:
1. DME Table Fix
2. Appointment Reminder issue
3. Schedule-recurrence issue – change future date
4. Daily Notes – Plan – not auto populating continue with POC
Launching the release notes.
Bug Fixes:
1. Schedule – Create Note from Schedule dropdown issue
2. Speech Therapy -> Objective -> clear the Functional Tests
3. Notes – Sensory Pediatrics save input issue
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Add new note type called “Supervision Note”
- Increase Character Limit inside the Notes
- RTM Notes -> PDF should only print the “Treat
- Users -> Rates -> add additional note rates – treatment Performed Today
Bug Fixes:
- Notes Objective Findings – Fail To Save Issue – Passed
- Scheduler -> Day View issues
- ScheduleV2 Month View – Add Weekend
- ScheduleV2 Month View – Therapist Names
- Missed/Cancelled notes – autopopulates tomorrows date
- Scheduler Half-Width events
- Prevent Import ERA grid exception
- Progress Note Warning Too Early
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Duplicate Page Button
- Case Settings -> Note Rule -> Change baseline note count
- Billing -> Ready to Send -> Add Event action button
- Notes Manager – Printed note should contain Goal comments
- Notes -> Rename “Group Actions” with “Note Options”
- SMS/Email reminder should NOT TRIGGER if updating attendance for past visits
- Payments Tab -> allow $0 for cash amount
Bug Fixes:
- MedB Notes – Requires Progress Issue
- Patient Status shows empty unless refresh
- Autocomplete -> should add where cursor is
- Settings – increase height of modal Visit Type
- Insurance Tab -> Authorization Logic update
- Clock in/out Time zone
- Scheduler Refresh not working
- Authorization Logic update – Unlink case and note list notification FIX
- MedB Notes – Requires Progress Issue – progress note count FIX
- Scheduler hoverbox placement
- Scheduler Half-Width events – initial Update
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- ScheduleV2 – Implement “Remove Weekly Recurrence” button
- Scheduler – Recurring, Static Events & Tooltip
- Auto-schedule -> should not create a new visit if linked to same case
Bug Fixes:
- Scrolling on Small Screens Issue – Revert Sticky Header
- Quick Communication Note -> should limit maximum todays
- Schedule Updates(missing copay icon)
- Notes – Functional Deficit fields UI issue
- Scheduler – Events & Therapist Columns fix
- ScheduleV2 – Therapist already scheduled warning
- SMS Reminders -> add placeholder for address
- Import 835/ERA – Internal Error during loading
- Import 835/ERA -> ERA Nesting
- Import ERA 835 file issue
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Allow Evaluations to be “Eval Only”
- Patient Events -> Enable Filtering
- Add new Attendance type called “Late CX”
- Insurance Tab -> Should not require a refresh upon user adding a new insurance
- Shared templates – should be visible for other office therapists
- Quick Communication Note – incorrect finalized date
- Users -> Export -> include Phone, Address, etc.
- Payments – Add PatientID to SMS/Email notification text
- Addendums -> Show date of addendum on PDF
Bug Fixes:
- Case Settings -> AMA Billing rule – 8 Minute Rule overlap FIX
- 837 Duplicate Modifiers
- ScheduleV2 – Loading issues when when >150 events
- Patient Portal -> Documents -> should only display files that were shared
- Fax Office Settings – Cannot Update Password
- Fax Status – Search Patient or Doctor field
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Missed/Canceled to be standalone note
- Net collection report – Paid visits should appears in the grid if case doesn’t contain any notes
- Patient List -> Therapist Dropdown -> exclude inactive therapists
- Cosign Tab -> include a field for Supervision comment
Bug Fixes:
- Notes with missing schedules report – Filter FIX
- 837 File -> strip out dashes from TAXID/EIN and Zip code
- Insurance Tab -> Payment Information -> Date Ranges not working
- Addendums -> Show date of addendum on PDF – Communication and Vital addendums still doesn`t have “Addendum” title in pdf
- Quick Discharge – Cpt Units/Minutes False Validation
- Failed to Save upon Objective Test Null values
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- “Note Rule” to enable adding CPT codes on daily notes
- User account document preview and rename option
- Visit Type – Sort Alphabetically
- User Documents – Should show expiring
- Clock in/out toggle
- Settings – Flowsheet
Bug Fixes:
- Underlying Impairments -> Body Parts are not retaining same order upon re-opening note
- Log in – Internal error when load dashboard
- PMH, PSH, DME fields -> data loss
- Case Settings -> AMA Billing rule
- 837 File Issue with Place of Service
- Static Event Issue(Color & events display)
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Case Settings -> Time in/out -> Exclude for QUICK DISCHARGE
- Net collection report – Paid visits should appears in the grid if case doesn`t contain any notes
- Notes-Tx Performed-Co treatment
Bug Fixes:
- Notes – Height should be carried over into Discharge from previous note
- Notes Manager Print multiple notes- Internal error
- PCP – Creation/Deleting error
- Notes – Remove comment box
- Duplicating Body Parts
- Load Template -> console error
- Evaluation Note -> cannot finalize without any goals bug
- Notes – SLP Medicare part A ped should not have Recertification notes
- Notes PDF – Should Not Display Compressed Therapist Signature
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Notes -> Pick Template -> should allow user to choose from prior case
- Allow user to add communication notes even if other note is in draft
- Discharge Notes (Both full and quick) -> need a field for “Reason for Discharge”
- Dashboard Widget – Default Provider from case settings
- Settings -> PCP/Referral -> Hide CITY column, add FAX column
- Notes – Increase character limit for Objective field
Bug Fixes:
- User settings -> Other Information -> Dates are not saved – Update issue FIX
- Schedule Widget not loading in Firefox
- CC information saving – Internal error
- Notes – SLP Evaluation note Findings tab Label Issue
- Richtext HTML issue on migrated note
- Notes Manager – Printed note should contain Goal comments
- Communication Note PDF -> Missing Signature Line
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Add more “Document Type” options
- Cases -> Sort by date (newest on top)
- Authorization Dates Label inside case
- Billing -> Claims -> Secondary 837
- Bell/Notifications Update to include eFax status
- Finalizing a Note with 0 treatment duration -> update error message
- Insurance Tab -> Payment Information -> Allow Date Ranges
Bug Fixes:
- Insurance Value(s) Not Setting
- CPT case type settings
- Settings -> Referral Request -> Not plugging into the Referral Fax
- 837 File Not Retaining the PRIMARY DX code
- Schedule – Prevent user from scheduling date range
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Visits Report – Separate Date and Time in different columns
- Patient Telehealth Tab
Bug fixes:
- Quick Discharge – Cpt Units/Minutes False Validation
- Printed schedule -> missing office name/logo
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Claims – Ready To Send – Sync To Collab MD
- Patient Portal – Payments & Visits
- V&R – None visit type shouldnt be printed in Description field
- Receipts PDF -> if there is a negative balance -> label as “CREDIT AMOUNT”
- Notes With Missing POC – Exclude RTM notes from the grid
- Patient Portal – Documents
- HOLD -> should not bring you back to page 1 upon clicking
- Static Events: Allow users to colorize the static event based on category (Default, Meeting, Lunch, Vacation, Day Off, Blocked Time, Holiday)
- Patient Portal – Signature
- Bell/Notifications Update to include eFax status
- Masters/Office Mangers cannot update their eFax password
- User Settings -> Missing Phone Number -> show allow user to save and give error
Bug fixes:
- 837 File Not Retaining the PRIMARY DX code
- eFaxing -> Cover Page will not show the Logo and Office Name
- Richtext -> Images are not being compressed
- PMH, PSH, DME fields -> data loss
- Visits Report – Future dates should be enabled
- HOLD -> should not bring you back to page 1 upon clicking
- Schedule – Time moved forward
- Posted Payment by Date Report -> Internal Error when Exporting to Excel (1 year)
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Goals -> Expand Height based on goal amount
- Settings -> Evaluation Note Template Updates
- Invoice PDF -> CITY, STATE, ZIP should be on same line
- POC Notes (such as evaluation, PN, Recerts, Re-eval) -> do not allow negative values inside the Frequency/Duration
- V&R -> Add Schedule -> Match the end date to user selected Start Date
- Documents Tab -> allow sorting for other columns
- Chat between users from different offices, add Autoscroll
- Scheduler -> Add new “Hover” button for “Create Note”
- Notes Report – Wrong months order on the graph
- Notes – Finalizing without Goals
Bug fixes:
- CPT Code Remaining at 0 units even after 0 minutes was input
- Email Notification Update
- Posted Payment by Date Report -> bug when “single therapist” is selected
- Users -> Export to Excel -> Affiliated Offices missing
- Consent Intake Form Completion Notification Email Issue
- Therapist Filter on Patient List -> assistants are missing
- Aging Balance Report -> Internal Error
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Schedule Reimplementation using FullCalendar- (Parallel run)
- Insurance Tab -> Payment Information -> Co-insurance should have % label
- Default Profile -> Functional Deficits -> the “Prior Level” and “Current Level” labels
- Chat -> Update email with name/credentials
- Notes – Add current level dropdowns for all categories
- Dashboard – rename “POC yet to be signed” widget to “POC yet to be sent”
- Notes PDF -> do not print anything with null rows for ROM/MMT
- Masters, Support, Host, Office Manager -> “Display All Schedules” should be automatically checked
- Note Templates -> Allow sharing with others
- Net Collection Rate Report – add wellness visits
Bug fixes:
- Apply Payment -> Delete Patient Payment
- Documents -> Actions -> View button
- Communication Note inside a Discharged Case -> failed to save error
- Aging Balance Report -> Internal Error
- SMS Reminders Issues
- Reminder Status Report – Wrong time in the grid
- Fax Status – Wrong sent time
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Active Patients Report -> Add columns for “Plan Names
- Import ERA/835 -> Allow multiple files to be uploaded
- Expired POC Report -> only filter for Active cases
- Claims Batch Post Update
- Case Settings -> Billing Rules -> Add option for CO/CQ (Assistant Modifiers)
- POC Renew and Notes with Expiring POCs -> Exclude Quick Discharges
Bug fixes:
- Billable DX Discrepancy
- Referrals Report – Graph milestones are not accurate
- Card number and Expiration date should not be cleared after changing year
- Visits Report -> Date/time showing wrong date/time
- chedule – Timezone issue
- Quick Discharge pdf – Visits from Start of Care calculation
- Print Facesheet -> wrong timestamp
- Print Facesheet -> wrong timestamp
- Settings -> Treatment/CPT -> Modifier not carrying over to the 837 file
- eFaxing -> Any faxes that are sent should send to the destination number from PCP/Referral
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Inventory Management
- Website Widget for clients to embed our schedule
- Case Settings -> Location -> should be editable at any point
- Visits & Receipts -> Print “Patient Balance” -> Add condition for Self Pay
- Patient Portal – Patient Information-Updated Forms
- Patient Eligibility Report -> add Note Date filter
- Evaluations -> should allow “Save Template” to be clicked on any tab
Bug fixes:
1 Self Pay cases – Medical Necessity checkbox shouldn’t be required
2. Expired POC Report -> Allow “To” to be selected in the future
3. Notes -> Treatment Plan -> Frequency -> Add “Treatment per Certification Period”
4. Visits & Receipts – Sorting visits in the printed PDF
5. Documents tab – Error message when view shared incoming fax
6. Transaction Report -> Insurance ID Discrepancy
7. Transaction Report -> “Paid” amount not pulling the data
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Therapist Invoice Report -> add column for “Case Name”, “Primary Insurance” on grid
- Therapist Invoice Report -> add column for “Case Name”, “Primary Insurance” on grid
- Include MD and PCP address when exporting Excel
- ERA Posting -> Batch Option
- Revenue Report -> Add Grid, Export to Excel
- Credit Card Payment -> Receipt Email/SMS
Bug fixes:
- Pediatrics Issue – Functional Deficits Label issue
- Notes – Document Medical Necessity Exists false triggered validation
- Patient List -> Save -> will lose focus on patient
- Default view should exclude Inactive
- Notes – Missed and Cancelled visits counting
Launching the release notes.
- Incoming Faxes Updates
- Notes -> eFax -> no attachment option
- Case Settings -> Add section for “ICD10”, “PMH”, PSH”
- Create Addendum should be clickable to any tab
- Notes Tab- Internal error fix
- Patient Portal Chat – Add Users
Bug fixes:
- Cosign – Cancel button were clicked but Note were cosigned anyway
- Notes KX Modifier fix
- Time In/Out Timezone fiv
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Chat Add Users For Patients
- eFax POC -> should ask user if they want to mark the POC as “Sent”
- Active Cases Report – Excel table should contain Location column
- Notes -> if user puts in minutes, but no units (or opposite), should give error
- Objective Tests -> Retain same order as the record
Bug fixes:
- Patient Payment Balance report -> takes very long time to load
- V&R – Auto Balance Error
- V&R -> Wrong balance
- Sensory Pediatric MedB – Vital, Communication note Failed to save
Launching the release notes.
- Superbill Report – Current office should be selected by default
- Insurance Tab -> Policy Holder Information -> add DOB field
- Notes with missing POC report updates
- Revenue Report -> Add Grid, Export to Excel
- Schedule -> Case dropdown should append “D/C” if case is discharged
Bug fixes:
- Credit card payment – 500 server error
- Aging Balance report -> missing records when “Patient Balance” is checked
- Dashboard – Wrong Speech Language patients count
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Evaluation note – Units should be readonly
- Case Settings -> Case Date -> Allow future dates
- Send Fax modal – Rename button from “Save” to “Send Fax”
- Case Settings -> Add category for Rules
- Card Connect – CC reprocessing
- Opening Finalized Evals -> should have option for “Save as Template”
- Credit card frame
Bug Fixes:
- Pending Cosign Report – Should NOT contain Cancelled and Missed notes
- Duplication of schedule when ASSISTANT does a note
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Notes Report – Dropdown lists items sorting
- Notes -> Draft Note does not override therapist name if another therapist saves or finalizes
Bug Fixes:
- Missing Case Types
- Billing note – Onset date missing
- Notes -> Draft Note does not override therapist name if another therapist saves or finalizes
- Share Incoming Faxes – Empty Cases dropdown
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Ensure “Objective Findings” section scalability across display sizes
- SMS Reminder -> will auto-send upon updating attendance to “OK”
- Settings -> PayerID Match -> Clearinghouse dropdown should not be global
- Migrate Users Utility
- Notes -> Action button for “Save as Template” should be last item
Bug Fixes:
- Objective Tests PDF – Zeros in the table instead of Test answers
- Billable Diagnosis
- Visits & Receipts – Apply Payment – Matched Note Issue
- Goals -> Pressing Cancel on the discharge goal window will still discharge the goal
- Card Connect – CC reprocessing
- Schedule -> Recurrance will duplicate the visit
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Time in/out -> should not be checked by default unless time in/out requirement on case settings is checked
- Fax -> Settings -> allow users to input Username/Password
- Therapist Invoice Report -> Sorting should be PATIENT NAME first, then DOS
- Reports -> Export to Excel -> Needs a loading notification
- Posting Payments -> Remove the “X” button from the Payment Type
- Add Loading Indicator – Notes -> Save as Draft
Bug Fixes:
- Payments tab -> Clearing the comment box will result in error
- Schedule – Cannot select Case from Appointment dropdown
- Underlying Impairment – Dropdowns cutoff
- CPT Settings Update Issue
- Patients with Draft Note Report -> CPT column has many duplicates
- Quick Discharge -> Finalizing gives me “Objective Comment” error
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- PDF -> Therapist signature to include license#
- Therapist Invoice Report – Sorting by DOS
- Patient List -> “My Patients Only” filter should default to “Active Cases” as well
- Settings -> PayerID Match -> do not allow deleting of insurances that are linked to patients and cases
- Dates of the scheduled visits are not in chronological order in PDF
- Notes -> Pick Template -> should restrict list to only users templates created by current user
- Patients with Expired Authorization Report -> allow future dates
- Schedule -> Rename “All” to “All Day/Waitlist”
Bug Fixes:
- Payments Tab -> save issue and processing issue (decimal)
- Superbill Export To Excel Exception
- Templates -> Issue with Underlying Impairment tab
- Patient List – Active Cases Filter Issue
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
1. Notes List – Require Cosign and Delete Draft Note
2. Notes List – Hold for Multi Addendums
3. Notes -> needs a processing modal during save as draft and finalize
4. V&R tab -> Hide “Auth#’ and “ADJ’ columns
5. Office Manager should be able to do “Communication Notes”
Bug Fixes:
1. Visit Note – Exception on creating/opening new
2. Schedule – Appointment times and therapist are incorrect on the printed PDF
3. Sensory Pediatrics – False Functional Deficit Requirement
4. PDF shows wrong balance
5. Schedule -> Moving an appointment gives an error
6. Failed To Save Error: Height Value Issue
7. Carry over Exercises from 1.5
8. Test Progress Note Min/Max Feature
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Administration -> Users should be allowed for Masters/Office Managers
- RT (CPT) code name of “Eval” should bypass condition for non-evaluation notes
- Import ERA/835 Report -> Add Filtering
Bug Fixes:
- Note value carry-over
- Patient Scheduled With Missing Notes Report – Export to Excel error
- Discharge Note – False Prognosis Validation
- Payments -> Credit Card CVV field should accept up to 4 characters
- Notes Template – Sensory Pediatrics Issue
- Fax Settings -> Edit -> Shows “Internal Error”
- Superbill report – Onset date 1 day off
- Pending Cosign Report -> pulling in notes that are in draft
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
1. Aging Balance Report -> update filtering
2. Patient List -> add new filtering for “Todays Patients”
3. Schedule Lock
4. V&R -> Action button for Multi-remove schedules
5. Active Patient Report and Birthday Report -> exclude patients that have status of “Expired” or “Deceased”
Bug Fixes:
1. Subjective complaint carry over from drafted note to PDF
2. Quick Discharge – Prognosis issue
3. Place of service not showing on the Visits note
4 Failed to save error when loaded from template and load from history
5. Tx performed today not displaying to the pdf(Medicare A cases)
6. Missed and canceled notes are classified as daily notes on the notes report
7. PDF – PMH, PSH, DME not printing out
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- No Need 2nd Verification Email
- Patient List -> Clear/Refresh button
- Clearinghouse – Extensions Field
Bug Fixes:
- Note template doesn`t save treatments, diagnosis, goals
- Addendum Apply payment issue
- User Settings -> Regular Therapists should not have access to modify their rates
- Missed and canceled notes are classified as daily notes on the notes report
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Extra Svc Charges dropdown on Apply payment modal
- Patient Events -> Update Validation
- Update user label
Bug Fixes:
1. Error message during add New event from V&R
2. Іtatic event – cannot create more than two static events
3. Posted Payments by Date Report Update
4. Therapist Invoice Report – Export as PDF
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Notes -> Billing -> the grid should have lines
- Open case from Notes report
- V&R Tab -> sticky column row
- “Save as Template” on Evaluation Notes
- Progress Notes/Recerts/Re-eval -> Do Not Allow 0 Duration
- Refreshing Page -> should keep scope of patient selected
Bug Fixes:
- Error Log for “Failed to Save” Note
- Import ERA Exception on open
- Unchecked “Document Medical Necessity Exist” should be red in Full Discharge note
- Notes -> Re-order -> “Created and Last Update” shows wrong timezone
- Failed to save message when attempt to finalize note
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
1. Organization Unit Settings Update
2. Patient List -> Add Dropdown for “Location”
3. Reports -> Nesting/Grouping
4. Reports -> Nesting/Grouping
5. Submenu Item -> “Dictation”
6. Dashboard – Patient Statistics
Bug Fixes:
1. Visit Type Deletion Issue
2. Login Cookie Issue
3. Visits & Receipts – Extra Charge dropdown missing
4. Exported PCP file does not pull fax numbers and provider NPIs into Excel
5. Uploading Documents -> filename and file size error
6. Autoschedule – Attendance not auto set to OK
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Patients list alphabetical sorting
- ICD10-SKIP any duplicates
- Allow changing Evaluation date for addendum creation
- Case Settings -> Profile Dropdown -> Should show ALL profiles all at once
Bug Fixes:
- PDF -> Notes -> The % Met is not showing up alongside the goal
- Incorrect next POC due date
- Schedule -> Missing Green/Yellow/Blue Check icon if note is completed
- Primary and secondary insurance not carrying over to the active patient’s report
- Quick Discharge -> remove “Superbill” option from print
- Primary insurance not carrying over to printed POC and Superbill
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Add refresh button to the recommended treatment, goals and Objective findings section
- Scheduler -> Should allow scheduling multiple patients on same time IF DIFFERENT CASE
Bug Fixes:
- Report -> Active Patients -> duplicate record and wrong ID#
- Visits & Receipts – Created schedule not sending notification
- Cannot download incoming faxes using an Ipad
- Patient Alert -> icon disappears when message popup closes
- At least 1 functional deficit must be filled in error appears when Quick discharge
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Add “Add new record” button to Pain location
- Settings – CPT – Update to All Discipline Issue
- Incoming Faxes – Rename for Sharing file
Bug Fixes:
- Wellness Notes -> data does not seem to be carrying over note to note
- Notes -> Medication Search
- Discipline issue on visit notes
- Extra Service Amount Not Adding Up
- Discharged Cases are still showing the discipline icon on patient list
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Aging Report-Sp update
- Updating Treatments CPT Settings
- Remove the period at the finalized date when finalizing a note
Bug Fixes:
- PDF -> Eval/PN/Recert/Re-eval/DC -> Visits From Start of Care shows wrong number
- Scheduler – Failed To Save
- Unable to open a case from the schedule
- Global -> Typing Lag
- Visits & Receipts – Create Schedule Issue
- Claims – Ready to Send filter issue
- Insurance tab -> Payment Information -> Grid not reflecting in V&R
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Prepopulate Select Provider when sending Note as fax
- Patient Information -> Send Review Link -> SHOULD NOT depend on the automated reminders
- Transaction report -> need the option for column options
Bug Fixes:
- Receipts-Overlapping text
- Addendum Notes Print -> lacks prefix “Addendum” in the file name
- Therapist Invoice Report showing wrong therapist
- Confirm Action after save
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Billing tab -> increase space for comments
- Invisible horizontal scrollbar on Billing/Transaction
Bug Fixes:
- RTB – Html tags/format on display issue
- Remove minutes/units from Billing page (Medicare part A case)
- Visits & Receipts Grid -> Pagination Refresh Issue upon “Posting Payment”
- Submitted claims dates not in the correct order(sorting issue)
- Min-Max Progress note Counter appears the same message three times
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Patient Alert -> Reuse the top Alert Message for patient alert
- Therapist Needs new signature upload
- Readonly Different Discipline
Bug Fixes:
- PatientID# on UI is different to URL and titlebar
- Note Printout Difference
- Incoming faxes cant be renewed
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Offices list alphabetical sorting
Bug Fixes:
- DOB is 1 day off
- Rich Text Display
- Default date is setting one day ahead
- Blocker issue when user trying to create Daily note
- Evaluation note cant be created afted Communication note
Launching the release notes.
New Features:
- Sync to collabMD secondary insurance number fix
- Functional Deficits Dropdown
- Send payment link – replace sender email.
- Visits & receipts – hide post payment
- 8 minute rule update
Bug Fixes:
- eFaxing External Documents (From Documents tab) not working
- Note count -> record count is 0 for all notes of a case
- Medical and surgical history is not saving
- Medicare B case type -> progress note modal not showing up within 8 – 10 POCs
- Some visits are not auto-matched to the note causing a wrong balance
- Post Payment Modal -> Matched note not showing option
Pending Updates