Regardless of the type of therapy practice you own, at some point a patient will ask you to generate a bill for them. Of course, if they just want a receipt for their personal records then you can give them an invoice with the services rendered and the cost. However, if you own a cash-based physical therapy practice, a regular invoice and receipt might not cut it as oftentimes patients may want to submit the bill to their insurance companies for reimbursement. When that time comes, you do not want to be unprepared. So how do you make sure you are ready when asked? Enter the superbill!

What is a superbill?

A superbill is a document that contains all of the necessary information for an insurance company to decide whether or not they want to reimburse for health expenses incurred by the patient. Typically it is very similar to the claims you submit to a patient’s insurance company, with one main difference…a superbill is submitted directly to insurance by the patient, instead of by your clinic. This is why understanding and knowing how to create superbills are extremely important if you own a cash-based physical therapy clinic.

What are the benefits of a superbill?

Here are some of the main benefits of a superbill:

How do you create a superbill?

Superbills are not your typical invoice in that they require more than your clinic’s contact info and a broad statement about what services were performed. In addition to adding your clinic’s name, address and phone number at the top of the superbill, you also need to include the following:

Remember that the above bullet points must be included on every single superbill that you generate in order for it to be considered a complete document. If you forget to add any of this information, it could result in the patient having difficulty with receiving reimbursement once they have submitted the superbill to their insurance company

With that being said…the easiest way to ensure you have included all of the correct information on a superbill is to create a template that you can easily access and fill out each time a patient requests a superbill. To make your life easier and reduce your stress, HelloNote can generate you one on the fly! You can view the video here:

For all of your billing needs, be sure to check out HelloNote, your one stop shop for physical, occupational, and speech therapy EMR documentation software.


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